January doesn’t have to be a time of saying no to things – it can be fun AND involve wine

JANUARY doesn’t have to be a time of saying no to things and cutting back – it can be fun, healthy AND involve wine.

Yes, really!


You can enjoy life and have a super 2022 without having to take all the good stuff away…Credit: Shutterstock


Unfortunately, Covid is set to follow us into 2022 . . . 

Luckily, Covid booster jabs protect against Omicron and offer the best chance to get through the pandemic, health officials have repeatedly said.

The Sun’s Jabs Army campaign is helping to get the vital extra vaccines into our arms to ward off the need for any new restrictions


The Sun’s Jabs Army campaign is helping to get the vital extra vaccines into our arms to ward off the need for any new restrictionsCredit: Getty

The Sun’s Jabs Army campaign is helping to get the vital extra vaccines into our arms to ward off the need for any new restrictions.

So join the club and start your year by getting jabbed.

Strong will

Fancy testing your self-discipline?

A new American study found that fasting for one day a week could reduce the risk of cardio-vascular disease and diabetes.

A new American study found that fasting for one day a week could reduce the risk of cardio-vascular disease and diabetes


A new American study found that fasting for one day a week could reduce the risk of cardio-vascular disease and diabetesCredit: Getty

One day a week might be just about manageable, especially as the researchers found that the benefits of that one-day fast stuck with participants for the rest of the week.

Solo diners

It’s not just what you eat that can keep your heart healthy, but how you eat.

US research found that women who eat alone have a significantly raised heart disease risk.

US research found that women who eat alone have a significantly raised heart disease risk


US research found that women who eat alone have a significantly raised heart disease riskCredit: Getty

Meanwhile, Newcastle University has found that people who cook meals at home have less body fat and a better diet than those who eat out or on the go.

Which means, everyone round for dinner at ours?

Cuddle out

Sex can boost your mood, improve your self-esteem, decrease anxiety and burn through calories too.

It’s practically an all-in-one trick for maintaining good physical and mental health.
Sex also triggers the production of endorphins – the body’s chemical messengers that can help to ease chronic pain.

Sex can boost your mood, improve your self-esteem, decrease anxiety and burn through calories too


Sex can boost your mood, improve your self-esteem, decrease anxiety and burn through calories tooCredit: Getty

And it’s far more fun than an aspirin . . . 

Heart sleep

Research by a London health tech firm showed that going to bed between 10pm and 11pm lowers your risk of heart disease.

They found that earlier or later bedtimes may be more likely to disrupt the body clock.

Research by a London health tech firm showed that going to bed between 10pm and 11pm lowers our risk of heart disease


Research by a London health tech firm showed that going to bed between 10pm and 11pm lowers our risk of heart diseaseCredit: Getty

Trust issue

Ultra-processed foods such as biscuits, chicken nuggets, instant noodles and shop-bought puddings may taste good, but they raise your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Research in Greece suggests that a diet based on unprocessed whole foods such as fruit, vegetables, grains and eggs reduces those risks and helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Ultra-processed foods such as biscuits, chicken nuggets, instant noodles and shop-bought puddings may taste good, but they raise your risk of heart disease and diabetes


Ultra-processed foods such as biscuits, chicken nuggets, instant noodles and shop-bought puddings may taste good, but they raise your risk of heart disease and diabetesCredit: Alamy

Grin and bear it

Want to live longer? Smile.

A 30-year study published in the US journal Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences found that optimists live 15 per cent longer than pessimists.

A 30-year study published in the US journal Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences found that optimists live 15 per cent longer than pessimists


A 30-year study published in the US journal Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences found that optimists live 15 per cent longer than pessimistsCredit: Stone – Getty

If that’s not something to grin about, we don’t know what is.

Jet away

A beach break is a real tonic, but just planning a holiday can be good for you too.

Researchers at Washington State University found thinking about an upcoming holiday or break away can boost happiness levels.

Researchers at Washington State University found thinking about an upcoming holiday or break away can boost happiness levels


Researchers at Washington State University found thinking about an upcoming holiday or break away can boost happiness levelsCredit: Getty

Co-author Matthew Killingsworth said: “As humans, we spend a lot of our mental lives living in the future. Our future-mindedness can be a source of joy.”

Friend zone

Loneliness is linked to a 30 per cent increased risk of developing heart disease, and being isolated can be as bad for your health as alcohol abuse and smoking, according to research from Harvard University.

So pick up the phone, meet someone for a drink or just go for a walk – your mates need you, and you need them.

Loneliness is linked to a 30 per cent increased risk of developing heart disease, and being isolated can be as bad for your health as alcohol abuse and smoking, according to research from Harvard University


Loneliness is linked to a 30 per cent increased risk of developing heart disease, and being isolated can be as bad for your health as alcohol abuse and smoking, according to research from Harvard UniversityCredit: Getty

Back to school

Your school days may feel well behind you, but a US study found that middle-aged adults who enrolled at night school significantly improved their memory and gained stronger verbal skills.

Higher education has also been linked to a decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Higher education has also been linked to a decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease


Higher education has also been linked to a decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s diseaseCredit: Getty – Contributor

So sign up for that evening class today!

Turn the page

As well as being a great distraction, escaping into a good book can lower stress levels, blood pressure and heart rate, improve brain connectivity, and even protect against cognitive decline as you age.

Reading for the love of it has also been found to boost confidence and self-esteem, and aid sleep.

Reading for the love of it has also been found to boost confidence and self-esteem, and aid sleep


Reading for the love of it has also been found to boost confidence and self-esteem, and aid sleepCredit: Getty

Hit the library now.

Power up

We all know it makes us healthier to take the stairs – and preferably two at a time.

But new research has found tired women who climb stairs actually experience a bigger energy boost than those who use caffeine to pep them up.

New research has found tired women who climb stairs actually experience a bigger energy boost than those who use caffeine to pep them up


New research has found tired women who climb stairs actually experience a bigger energy boost than those who use caffeine to pep them upCredit: Getty

It’s cheaper than buying a coffee too.

Frame it

American author of self-help books and “happiness expert” Dan Buettner says that putting up family pictures connects us to the past and cheers us up.

He said: “We find that in happier cultures around the world, folks feel like part of a continuum.”

American author of self-help books and “happiness expert” Dan Buettner says that putting up family pictures connects us to the past and cheers us up


American author of self-help books and “happiness expert” Dan Buettner says that putting up family pictures connects us to the past and cheers us upCredit: Getty

So maybe it’s time to get out your grandparents’ wedding pictures and put them up on the wall.

Chores be gone

People who spend money on time-saving services like cleaners have greater satisfaction and happiness than those who spend their cash on stuff they probably don’t need.

If money’s tight and you can’t afford a cleaner, consider swapping tasks with a friend.

If money’s tight and you can’t afford a cleaner, consider swapping tasks with a friend


If money’s tight and you can’t afford a cleaner, consider swapping tasks with a friendCredit: Getty

Maybe they can hoover for you, and you can spruce up their bathroom – everyone’s a winner.

Kondo it

If you find it hard to eat healthily, your surroundings could be to blame.

A new study has found that when women are surrounded by clutter and chaos, they are more likely to make unhealthy food choices and “unknowingly overeat”.

A new study has found that when women are surrounded by clutter and chaos, they are more likely to make unhealthy food choices and “unknowingly overeat”


A new study has found that when women are surrounded by clutter and chaos, they are more likely to make unhealthy food choices and “unknowingly overeat”Credit: Getty

And switch

While all exercise is good for you, the more varied it is, the better, new research claims.

People who do lots of different sports or vary their workouts are more likely to have longer telomeres on the ends of their chromo-somes – a sign that the body is ageing more slowly, and a good indicator of longevity.

While all exercise is good for you, the more varied it is, the better, new research claims


While all exercise is good for you, the more varied it is, the better, new research claimsCredit: Getty

Number one fan

We can all be tough on ourselves, but try being your number one fan this year, rather than your harshest critic.

Research from Exeter and Oxford Universities have found that being compassionate towards yourself and opting for self-kindness may reduce heart rate and sweating.

Research from Exeter and Oxford Universities have found that being compassionate towards yourself and opting for self-kindness may reduce heart rate and sweating


Research from Exeter and Oxford Universities have found that being compassionate towards yourself and opting for self-kindness may reduce heart rate and sweatingCredit: Getty

Peel it

Keen to delay the onset of wrinkles?

Then cancel that appointment for a chemical peel and get your vitamin C levels up with good old oranges instead.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate foods high in vitamin C had fewer wrinkles and less age-related dry skin than those who didn’t


A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate foods high in vitamin C had fewer wrinkles and less age-related dry skin than those who didn’tCredit: Getty – Contributor

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate foods high in vitamin C had fewer wrinkles and less age-related dry skin than those who didn’t.

Bath time

A warm bath an hour before bed has been found to help people nod off faster and maintain better quality sleep.

Add to the mood by dimming the lights, playing relaxing music and lighting a candle.

Add to the mood by dimming the lights, playing relaxing music and lighting a candle


Add to the mood by dimming the lights, playing relaxing music and lighting a candleCredit: Getty

Smell is associated with the part of the brain that processes emotion, so it’s worth trying out a few different scents – peppermint can pep you up and vanilla is relaxing.

How cultured

Watching the latest blockbuster is bound to trigger happy feelings, but engaging in culture can actually lower the risk of depression.

Dr Daisy Fancourt of University College London said: “People know the benefits of exercise for their physical and mental health, but there is very little awareness that cultural activities also have similar benefits.”

Watching the latest blockbuster is bound to trigger happy feelings, but engaging in culture can actually lower the risk of depression


Watching the latest blockbuster is bound to trigger happy feelings, but engaging in culture can actually lower the risk of depressionCredit: Getty – Contributor
Masterchef’s Greg Wallace reveals his simple smoothie recipe to boost your immune system this winter

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