Ghislaine Maxwell trial verdict LIVE – Massage table could lead to Jeffrey Epstein ‘Madam’s’ conviction as jury breaks

GHISLAINE Maxwell could face conviction in her trial as a result of a massage table used as evidence, and she is now set to spend Christmas Day and her birthday behind bars.

Jeffrey Epstein’s green massage table was used as evidence in Maxwell’s trial as part of the sex-trafficking charge against her that involves interstate commerce.

Maxwell accuser Carolyn said she was groped by Maxwell at age 14 while preparing to massage Epstein. The massage table was made in California and shipped to Florida, which impacts interstate commerce.

The sex-trafficking count carries a maximum sentence of 40 years.

Plus, the socialite turns 60 on Saturday and will spend the day in New York’s notorious Metropolitan Detention Center after jurors were sent home for the holiday. They are slated to reconvene on Monday, December 27.

Adam Klasfeld of Law&Crime reported on Twitter that Maxwell’s attorneys, “could be seen giving each other a high-five in court—before the brief conference to discuss plans for Thursday.”

If convicted on all counts, Maxwell could face up to 80 years in prison. She denies all accusations.

Read our Ghislaine Maxwell live blog for the very latest news and updates…

  • What does the 17-page indictment against Maxwell accuse her of?

    The 17-page indictment against Maxwell accused her of grooming and befriending victims, normalizing inappropriate behavior, being present during abuse to put victims at ease, encouraging victims to accept Epstein’s help, and encouraging victims to engage in sexual activity and taking part herself.

    One accuser Jennifer Araoz said Maxwell was at the “center of his sex trafficking ring.”

    If convicted on all counts, Maxwell could face up to 80 years in prison.

    Maxwell denies all accusations.

  • Prosecutors released more than 60 photos

    As part of the case, prosecutors have released more than 60 photos from a police raid at Jeffrey Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion.

    Some of the pictures shown to the jury include Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein kissing, and one that appears to be a nude photo of Maxwell.

  • Why isn’t the trial televised, continued

    A federal court has some rules that allow some cameras in civil cases, but have barred broadcasting criminal cases since 1946 under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 53.

    However, some to most state and criminal courts have allowed trial broadcasts on a case by case basis, sometimes earning plenty of ire from others.

    Many complained that broadcasting trials, in turn, extended cases longer than they had to – saying it encouraged grandstanding from lawyers, judges and witnesses knowing they had a national audience.

  • Why isn’t the Ghislaine Maxwell trial televised?

    This mostly has to do with different jurisdictions having different rules regarding the publicity – and broadcasting – in courtrooms.

    Recent trials like the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse in Wisconsin or the conviction of three men for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia have been televised.

    The two previous cases were conducted in county courts, meanwhile, Maxwell’s trial is in federal court, which has different jurisdictional rules.

  • In her own words, continued

    In her first interview from behind bars, Maxwell told the Mail on Sunday that she is being kept in “inhumane” solitary confinement the entire time.

    Maxwell, who is accused of helping to find teenage girls for billionaire financier Epstein to abuse, denies sex trafficking charges.

    She added: “I used to take a shower every day but I’ve stopped because of the creepy guards who stand close and stare at me the whole time.”

  • In her own words

    Maxwell spoke out from her jail cell ahead of her trial – claiming “creepy” guards watch her as she uses the bathroom.

    Speaking to the Mail On Sunday she said: “I used to go to the loo with an open sewer drain and a friendly rat would regularly visit. 

    “I told the guards, but nothing was done until the rat popped out and charged a guard who screamed in terror. 

    “Finally, the sewer drain was covered.”

  • Prosecutor calls Maxwell ‘dangerous’ in closing argument

    In her closing argument to the jury, Assistant US Attorney Alison Moe, who is prosecuting the heiress, said: “Ghislaine Maxwell was dangerous.

    “She was a grown woman who preyed on vulnerable young kids. Young girls from struggling families.

    “She targeted a young girl whose father had just died.“She targeted a girl whose mother was an alcoholic.

    “She targeted a girl with a single mum who was struggling to raise her daughter.

    “Maxwell was a sophisticated predator who knew exactly what she was doing.

    “She ran the same playbook again and again and again. She manipulated her victims and groomed them for sexual abuse.

    “She caused deep and lasting harm to young girls. It is time to hold her accountable.”

  • Jury has asked three questions

    The jury in Maxwell’s trial so far has asked three questions as they deliberate on the fate of Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged madam.

    First, they asked for transcripts of the testimonies of Maxwell’s accusers Annie Farmer, Carolyn and “Jane.”

    The jury also asked for the FBI notes from a 2007 interview with Carolyn, which Maxwell’s defense team has claim is inconsistent with her testimony in the trial.

    Lastly, jurors asked if they could consider Farmer’s testimony for two of the conspiracy counts, which the judge allowed.

  • Maxwell’s jail complaints

    Maxwell has repeatedly complained about her treatment and recently said her toilet was a rat infested open sewer drain.

    She has claimed that she is being watched by guards and her only company is the rats near to the open sewer drain in her cell.

    Her lawyers argue her jail conditions are fit only for fictional serial killer Lecter, and say her continued imprisonment is “untenable and unreasonable”.

    A motion filed in April this year alleges Maxwell has been subject to “invasive searches”.

    She is served “inedible” food and her water is often cloudy, they say.

    It’s also claimed she was forced to crawl on her hands and knees to get into a prison van.

  • When will the jury deliberate again?

    The jury requested not to deliberate on Thursday, December 23.

    Instead, they will reconvene on Monday.

    Judge Nathan told the jurors in the Ghislaine Maxwell case they will resume at 9am on December 27.

  • Maxwell will spend 60th birthday in jail

    Maxwell is to spend her Christmas Day birthday behind bars in a hellhole prison as a jury decides her fate.

    The socialite turns 60 on Saturday, which she will spend in New York’s notorious Metropolitan Detention Center after jurors were sent home for the holiday.

  • Maxwell’s response to allegations

    The British socialite has repeatedly denied any involvement in Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes.

    Her spokesperson said “the allegations made against Ghislaine Maxwell are untrue” and she “strongly denies allegations of an unsavoury nature, which have appeared in the British press and elsewhere, and reserves her right to seek redress at the repetition of such old defamatory claims.”

  • ‘It was the biggest mistake of her life’

    Defense attorney Laura Menninger ended her closing argument on Monday by telling the jury: “Ghislaine is being tried here for being with Jeffrey Epstein.”

    “Maybe it was the biggest mistake of her life. But it is not a crime,” she added, according to the Independent.

    “Acquit her.”

  • How did Ghislaine Maxwell’s father die?

    Ghislaine’s dad Robert Maxwell died in unusual circumstances in 1991 having gone missing after being on his yacht. His body was later uncovered in the water and the official cause of death was put down as accidental drowning following a heart attack.

    “I don’t buy a lot of the conspiracy theories at all. It so happens one of the conspiracy theories about my father is that he was murdered rather than committed suicide or died by accident,” Ghislaine’s brother Ian said.

  • Maxwell’s ex-assistant claims Epstein would see other women

    Jeffery Epstein would see other women behind socialite Ghislaine Maxwell’s back, her ex-assistant told the court.

    Cimberly Espinosa, 55, who was hired by Epstein and then worked for Maxwell for six years, said she was once tasked with buying flowers for another woman.

    The witness — the first to testify at the start of Maxwell’s sex trafficking trial defense — described a parade of women visiting billionaire pedophile Epstein in his New York office from 1996 to 2002.

    Asked how old they were, she told a court in Manhattan: “Eighteen and over. Young women.”

  • Maxwell’s brother claims she’s being ‘tortured’

    Kevin alleged in an interview with GMB that “what we’re seeing and witnessing on a daily basis is not care, it’s abuse.”

    “She got fed a pack of crisps all day today. I consider this regime imposed on anyone, consecutively for 524 days, is abuse and is torture,” he claimed.

  • Jury dismissed until Monday

    Judge Nathan confirmed on Wednesday that deliberations will continue on Monday.

    “Alright. You declined my invitation to deliberate tomorrow. We will resume Monday at 9am,” she told the jurors, according to The Independent.

    “Same instructions. Please stay safe over the long weekend. I need all of you here and healthy on Monday.”

  • Who flew on the ‘Lolita Express?’ continued

    Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey flew to Africa on the Lolita Express in 2002 as part of a project to raise awareness on the Aids crisis and poverty.

    Comedian Chris Tucker was also part of that group, which included Clinton and Spacey, who flew to Africa on a five-day humanitarian trip.

    Flight logs reveal that Naomi Campbell also traveled on Epstein’s plane in 2002.

    Epstein’s lawyer Alan Dershowitz took trips on the jet in the late 1990s, flight records show.

  • Who flew on the ‘Lolita Express?’

    Former Epstein pilot Lawrence Visoski testified that former President Donald Trump was aboard Epstein’s distinctive Gulf Stream plane.

    The Sun reported in 2019 that Prince Andrew flew on a ­private jet with Epstein and his alleged 17-year-old sex slave Virginia Roberts.

    Brit socialite Ghislaine Maxwell travelled on the Lolita Express on a number of occasions, flight logs show.

    According to flight logs obtained by Fox News in 2016, former US president Bill Clinton was a passenger on the jet.

  • Maxwell’s brother: She thinks Epstein was murdered

    Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother, Ian, alleged that the accused madam believes disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein did not take his own life.

    Epstein was found hanged in his New York jail cell while awaiting trial for child sex charges in 2019.

    Ian made reference to theories that his and Ghislaine’s father, Robert Maxwell, was murdered.

    “And I would venture to believe that she may also think that Epstein was murdered,” Ian said.

    “I do happen to think my sister does think that he was killed.”

  • Charges against Maxwell

    Prosecutors alleged that between 1994 and 1997 she helped Epstein to groom girls as young as 14.

    Maxwell has been charged with six counts of perjury and sex trafficking offenses:

    • Count one: Conspiracy to entice minors to travel to engage in illegal sex acts 
    • Count two: Enticement of a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts 
    • Count three: Conspiracy to transport minors with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity 
    • Count four: Transportation of a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity 
    • Counts five and six: Perjury – the offence of wilfully telling an untruth or making a misrepresentation under oath.

    The 17-page indictment against Maxwell accused her of grooming and befriending victims, normalizing inappropriate behavior, being present during abuse to put victims at ease, encouraging victims to accept Epstein’s help, and encouraging victims to engage in sexual activity and taking part herself.

  • Celebrities connected to Epstein and Maxwell

    Notable politicians, billionaires, and celebrities have been connected to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwelll.

    Some of them include Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, and Woody Allen.

    Prince Andrew has been accused of sexual assault by Virginia Giuffre. A judge dismissed criminal charges in 2015, but Giuffre is pursuing a sexual assault lawsuit.

  • How long will the trial take?

    The trial was originally set to take six weeks.

    However, the prosecution rested its case much sooner than expected.

    The jury will begin deliberating again on Monday.

    Maxwell has been charged with six counts, including sex trafficking and perjury, in connection to her relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.

    She has pled not guilty to the charges and was denied bail several times.

  • Prosecutor calls Maxwell ‘dangerous’ in closing argument

    In her closing argument to the jury, Assistant US Attorney Alison Moe, who is prosecuting the heiress, said: “Ghislaine Maxwell was dangerous.

    “She was a grown woman who preyed on vulnerable young kids. Young girls from struggling families.

    “She targeted a young girl whose father had just died.“She targeted a girl whose mother was an alcoholic.

    “She targeted a girl with a single mum who was struggling to raise her daughter.

    “Maxwell was a sophisticated predator who knew exactly what she was doing.

    “She ran the same playbook again and again and again. She manipulated her victims and groomed them for sexual abuse.

    “She caused deep and lasting harm to young girls. It is time to hold her accountable.”

  • Two dozen prosecution witnesses testified

    Before closing arguments were made, 24 prosecution witnesses testified.

    Four of those witnesses were women who alleged they were victims of abuse by Epstein with the help of Maxwell.

    Prosecutor Alison Moe told the jury: “These women know what happened to their own bodies.

    “Your common sense tells you that being molested is something you never forget, ever.”

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