Ghislaine Maxwell trial verdict LIVE – Husband of Epstein’s ‘Madam’ and dad Robert Maxwell revealed after guilty verdict

GHISLAINE Maxwell, who is reportedly married to Scott Borgeson, was found guilty of five out of six counts in her sex trafficking trial on Wednesday.

The jury found Maxwell, the daughter of Robert Maxwell, guilty on five charges, which include conspiracy, sex trafficking, and transportation of an individual under the age of 17 with the intent to engage in sexual activity

The only charge Maxwell was not found guilty of in her trial was count two, which was enticement of an individual under the age of 17 to travel with intent to engage in sexual activity.

Jurors submitted several requests to the judge earlier this week, including the legal definition of “enticement,” transcripts of testimony, colored highlighters, post-it notes, and a whiteboard.

Maxwell’s top charge, which is a sex-trafficking count, carries a maximum sentence of 40 years in prison. Ultimately, the socialite could face up to 65 years in prison, and would be without her husband, Scott Borgerson, whom she secretly married in 2016.

Maxwell told court chiefs that she had tried to file for a divorce before her arrest so her husband wouldn’t suffer from “being associated with her.”

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  • Survivor speaks out on conviction

    Jennifer Araoz, 34, told The Sun how she fell into Epstein’s “sadistic web” and was raped by the multi-millionaire when she was just 15-years-old.

    Jennifer, a make-up artist from New York, attended the trial in the Big Apple to support the accusers who testified against her about their abuse.

    She said: “The fact that Ghislaine is a woman hurts a little bit more. She was older – she should have been more nurturing and caring towards the girls.

    “In a way, she was just like Epstein – if not even worse.

    “The fact that she was directly wanting to find young girls who were lost in life, who didn’t really have much going on financially, who were easily able to fall into this web of evil.

    “It’s sadistic. Ghislaine is evil – as are all of the other people involved. Ghislaine should spend the rest of her life in jail.”

  • What has Ghislaine Maxwell been accused of?

    Maxwell was accused of acting as a “madam” for Jeffrey Epstein, US court documents previously revealed.

    Prosecutors allege she had a history of giving powerful men access to women.

    A defamation case involving Virginia Giuffre claims Prince Andrew slept with her three times, and that she was recruited by Maxwell in 1999 where she was introduced to Epstein.

  • What was Jeffrey Epstein accused of?

    Jeffrey Epstein was accused of abusing women and underage girls for decades, assembling a network of enablers to help carry out and cover up his crimes.

    The serial sex abuser reportedly made a secret plea deal with the government in 2008 to avoid a potential life sentence and continued to abuse women.

  • Did Maxwell testify?

    Maxwell did not testify in her sex trafficking trial.

    The British socialite, 59, was said to be “too fragile” to take the witness stand.

    Her spokesman said: “Ghislaine Maxwell is unlikely to testify over serious worries she is too fragile and will not be able to acquit herself properly.”

    Her family has complained she is not being fed correctly and shackled to and from court.

    A friend said: “There are significant concerns about her health.”

  • How long will Ghislaine Maxwell spend in prison?

    The convicted sex trafficker could spend up to 65 years in prison.

    She was found guilty of five out of the six federal charges brought against her.

  • Virginia Guiffre tweeted after verdict

    Virginia Guiffre, an alleged Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell victim who did not testify in the trial, issued a tweet after Maxwell’s guilty verdict was announced.

    “My soul yearned for justice for years and today they jury gave me just that. I will remember this day always.”

    Guiffre also called on more people to be brought to justice in connection to the case.

    “Maxwell did not act alone,” she tweeted. “Others must be held accountable. I have faith that they will be.”

    In addition to Epstein and Maxwell, Guiffre has accused Prince Andrew of sexual abuse, and has an open civil case against the royal.

  • Jane’s lawyer’s statement

    The lawyer for one of Maxwell’s accusers, who testified under the pseudonym “Jane,” released a statement following a guilty verdict on Wednesday.

    Robert Glassman said: “The verdict screams loud and clear-if you make it easier for another to sexually abuse children, you, too, will be held accountable for your role in that abuse…. the strong women survivors of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse can all sleep better tonight knowing that the justice system got it right…. the jury stayed focused on what really mattered: Ms Maxwell played a critical role in helping Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse girls.”

  • Retired Palm Beach police chief’s statement

    Retired Palm Beach police chief Michael Reiter issued a statement after Maxwell was found guilty on Wednesday.

    “In 2005, early in our investigation, the Palm Beach Police Department recognized the importance of stopping Jeffrey Epstein and bringing him to justice. The Department never bent to the power and influence brought to bear against us. Unfortunately, of the many other agencies involved, only the FBI acted in a similar way.

    “The U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York should be congratulated for having the courage to bring Epstein and now Ghislaine Maxwell to justice, something that should have been done in the Florida case fifteen years ago. The importance of the failure of the Florida case cannot be overstated.

    “Law school professors should teach this case in legal ethics courses as examples of how not to treat victims of sex crimes and as a forewarning to prosecutors on how they can be influenced to fail in their duties to both victims and the public.”

  • Maxwell family statement

    Ghislaine Maxwell’s family released a statement after a guilty verdict was announced.

    It read: “We believe firmly in our sister’s innocence – we are very disappointed with the verdict.

    “We have already started the appeal tonight and we believe that she will ultimately be vindicated.”

  • Annie Farmer’s statement

    Farmer, another of Maxwell’s accusers, reacted to the guilty verdict.

    Her statement said: “I am so relieved and grateful that the jury recognized the pattern of predatory behavior that Maxwell engaged in for years and found her guilty of these crimes.

    “I hope that this verdict brings solace to all who need it and demonstrates that no one is above the law. Even those with great power and privilege will be held accountable when they sexually abuse and exploit the young.”

  • Maximum sentences for each charge

    • Count one – maximum sentence of five years
    • Count two – (not guilty) maximum sentence of five years
    • Count three – maximum sentence of five years
    • Count four – maximum sentence of 10 years
    • Counts five – maximum sentence of five years
    • Count six – maximum sentence of 40 years
  • Where is Ghislaine Maxwell?

    Ghislaine Maxwell has been been held in isolation since July 2020 in New York’s Metropolitan Detention Center.

    She returned there after the verdict, Reuters reported.

    The outlet noted that Maxwell has claimed she’s been served moldy food at the jail.

  • Not guilty on one count

    While the jury found Maxwell guilty on five charges on Wednesday, they acquitted her of one charge of enticement of a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts.

    Maxwell’s lawyers have said they will appeal her conviction on sex trafficking charges.

  • Maxwell found guilty on five counts

    On Wednesday, the British socialite was found guilty of five of the six charges she was accused of.

    The jury deemed her guilty of:

    • Conspiracy to entice minors to travel to engage in illegal sex acts
    • Conspiracy to transport minors with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity
    • Transportation of a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity
    • Sex trafficking conspiracy
    • sex trafficking of a minor
  • Maxwell has ‘two options,’ expert says

    Matthew Barhoma, a criminal-appeals lawyer in Los Angeles, told Insider that Maxwell has essentially two paths forward after her guilty verdict.

    “Maxwell truly has two options: She can fight this case and take it up on appeal, where she will likely face a 65-year sentence, or she can start issuing some names of who else was involved for a substantially lighter sentence,” said Barhoma.

    He added that he thought Maxwell could have strong claims in an appeals process.

  • Bad news for Prince Andrew, continued

    “We know that prosecutors are looking at other co-conspirators in connection with Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex ring,” the source added.

    “Ghislaine undoubtedly possesses information which could assist prosecutors in other cases. If she decides to co-operate, her testimony could be devastating.”

    “She was Epstein’s right-hand woman for years, imagine what she knows?”

  • ‘Could be bad news for Prince Andrew’

    A legal source connected with Maxwell’s case told The Mail on Sunday a guilty verdict in the case could spell trouble for the royal.

    “This could be bad news for Prince Andrew and other high-profile men who hung out with Ghislaine and Jeffrey Epstein,” the source said.

    “It is possible she will begin to co-operate and tell what she knows in an attempt to lessen her jail term.”

  • Prince Andrew’s lawyers ‘in emergency talks’

    Prince Andrew’s lawyers reportedly took part in emergency talks last night after Ghislaine Maxwell’s guilty verdict.

    Epstein survivor Virginia Roberts Guiffre launched a civil case against the Duke of York, who she alleges had sex with her when she was a teenager.

    The jury’s verdict to convict Maxwell sparked alarm in the Prince’s legal team because the burden of proof in a criminal case is higher than in a civil case, the Mirror reported.

    It has also been claimed that Maxwell could start “naming names” to try to cut her lengthy prison sentence.

    It’s believed that Prince Andrew and Maxwell have known each other for the better part of two decades.

  • Maxwell’s lawyers will appeal

    The convicted sex trafficker’s lawyers have said they are already working on appealing the jury’s decision.

    “We firmly believe in Ghislaine’s innocence. Obviously, we are very disappointed with the verdict,” said Maxwell’s attorney Bobbi C. Sternheim.

  • Perjury counts

    Ghislaine Maxwell also separately faces two perjury counts, Reuters reported.

    Those counts will be tried at a later date.

  • When is Ghislaine Maxwell being sentenced?

    Ghislaine Maxwell was on trial for sex abuse and human trafficking charges.

    She was found guilty on all charges but one on December 29, 2021.

    The exact date of her sentencing has yet to be announced.

    US District Judge Alison Nathan didn’t announce when Maxwell would be sentenced, Reuters noted.

  • Maxwell’s introduction to Paris Hilton

    Christopher Mason claimed that Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly stopped in her tracks and said “oh my God” when she saw Paris Hilton, then 19 years old, at a party in the early 2000s.

    Maxwell saw the young socialite at a party and was stunned by her good looks, prompting her to tell a friend Hilton would be “perfect for Jeffrey,” according to the Daily Mail.

    Mason recalled the moment in the Lifetime docuseries Surviving Jeffrey Epstein.

    “A friend of mine was at a party and Ghislaine said, ‘Oh my god, who is that?’ and was looking at this pretty, younger teenage girl,” he said.

    “She said: ‘Do you know her?’”

    “My friend said: ‘Yeah, she’s called Paris Hilton‘ and Ghislaine said: ‘Ohhhh she’d be perfect for Jeffrey. Can you introduce us?’”

  • What was Jeffrey Epstein accused of?

    Jeffrey Epstein was accused of abusing women and underage girls for decades, assembling a network of enablers to help carry out and cover up his crimes.

    The serial sex abuser reportedly made a secret plea deal with the government in 2008 to avoid a potential life sentence and continued to abuse women.

  • ‘Start naming names’

    Now that Ghislaine Maxwell has been found guilty of most of the charges against her, some people on social media want her to start “naming names” before she is sentenced.

  • What has Ghislaine Maxwell been accused of?

    Maxwell has been accused of acting as a “madam” for Jeffrey Epstein, US court documents previously revealed.

    Prosecutors allege she had a history of giving powerful men access to women.

    A defamation case involving Virginia Giuffre claims Prince Andrew slept with her three times, and that she was recruited by Maxwell in 1999 where she was introduced to Epstein.

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