Friends: 20 Best Phoebe Buffay Quotes | Screen Rant

Offbeat, ditzy, and flakey are just some adjectives used to describe the quirkiest member of the Friends gang, Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow). It’s difficult to describe Phoebe because she can be dim-witted one moment and wise the next. The one thing that always defined her, however, was her frankness, which is a running gag on the show.

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Throughout the ten seasons, Phoebe constantly cracked fans up with her sarcastic statements, weird songs, and all kinds of interesting beliefs. While every scene that she was in proved to be pretty iconic, many fans will agree that there were more that stood out more than others.

Updated on December 28th, 2021 by Kayleigh Banks: Although there had been a few occasions where the writers of Friends replicated some storylines and gags, one thing that helped them to stay fresh and unique was the characters’ personalities.

Phoebe Buffay proved to be one of the show’s biggest assets as her quirky and unpredictable character always had fans on the edge of their seats. Not only were her daily stories full of comedy but Lisa Kudrow’s quick delivery in terms of her lines and her facial expressions also helped her be one of the funniest and best characters on Friends. The series certainly wouldn’t have been the same without Phoebe’s sarcastic and witty presence.

While many people would agree that Chandler was the most sarcastic character on the show, Phoebe easily challenged him for the title as there were many times where Friends’ fans thought Phoebe’s shady burns were just as funny as his.

A prime example of this was in “The One With The Jam” when Phoebe was talking to Joey and some of the crumbs from his bread got all over her when he tried talking back. While Phoebe does try to be polite and not hurt her friends’ feelings, her quick and witty delivery here is what makes this scene memorable as it does show that she has a bit of a mean streak deep down.

When the plots in Friends involved stressful or dramatic situations, Phoebe was a great way of providing comic relief. This particularly proved the case in “The One With The Lottery” when the gang decide to buy a bunch of lottery tickets as the jackpot is worth $300 million. However, just before they can split the tickets evenly, Phoebe accidentally drops them onto the street because she was startled by a pigeon.

Understandably, the viewers know that the gang had every right to be angry at the masseuse since they all spent a lot of money on the tickets. However, in typical Phoebe fashion, no one would be able to stay angry at her since she always comes up with the best and most creative apologies. In terms of this case, the viewers couldn’t help but laugh when Phoebe pretended to be the pigeon as it was so random (but unique). What makes it even better is how Lisa Kudrow managed to keep a straight and serious face as if it was genuine.

While there are many things the fans would love to change about the series, including some of the gags and characters, one thing they would keep the same is Phoebe’s Central Perk performances. Not only did these scenes let Friends fans hear some of her best and most creative songs but the brief intermissions she took also led to some iconic moments.

A prime example of this was in “The One With Ross’ Denial” when Phoebe finishes her song and makes an announcement about her upcoming performances. However, instead of revealing the dates, she requests they give her money so she can buy a computer and send them out by email. While it was quite a bold and audacious comment, especially if it was another character who said it, Phoebe manages to get away with it since this matched her personality the best.

One of the many qualities the fans loved about Phoebe was the relationship she had with her grandmother. Most fans already know that Phoebe’s grandmother often lied to protect her – and while some of them were completely unfair, there were others that were quite hilarious (as evidenced in “The One With Phoebe’s Cookies”). Throughout the entire episode, the viewers had watched as Monica and Phoebe worked hard to remember Phoebe’s grandmother’s recipe, baking numerous trays of cookies.

So when Phoebe informed Monica that the family had gotten it from a relative from France called “Nestley Toulouse,” the viewers immediately caught onto the gag and thought the writers had struck comedy gold (since it was stolen from “Nestle Toll House”). The fact that Phoebe delivers the line with such innocence and tries to keep the charade going, even as Monica learns the truth, made fans laugh

Phoebe’s brutal honesty was also another quality the fans admired as she would always try her best to ground them if they were being irrational or making impulsive decisions. This was certainly highlighted when she intervened in Ross and Rachel’s relationship since they always got jealous of one another and Phoebe was the one that had to talk them around.

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While she did often give them some great and wise advice, there were other times where Phoebe used her sarcastic wit to show how them how ridiculous they were being. This response from “The One With The Cooking Class” was definitely one of the more memorable ones as she called Rachel out for believing Ross was doing something wrong when he wasn’t.

Ross’s job has often been the butt of the joke among the six friends. They’ve all made fun of him for telling them boring museum stories, lecturing them about science, and, well, just being a paleontologist. In “The One with the Ring,” Ross can’t figure out why Chandler could possibly be angry at him, prompting Pheebs to offer some advice while poking fun at his profession.

Phoebe and Ross have always had these fascinating and hilarious interactions, where Phoebe would play mind games with Ross by attempting to speak his language, such as in this case.

“You’ll See. You’ll All See.”

Phoebe is always a helpful friend, and that’s why she has no problem rehearsing lines with Joey (“The One With Mac And CHEESE”). However, instead of helping him prepare, she ends up believing that she’s a top actor herself, claiming she could make it in the industry (despite Joey’s reluctance).

As Joey then leaves Phoebe to it, she belts out this iconic line as if she’s a major villain putting the fear of everyone around her. She even points around but notices nobody is actually there, turning it into a little dance instead, which makes it even funnier.

“Your Collective Dating Record Reads Like A Who’s Who Of Human Crap!”

Phoebe is not one to mince words. That much was clear from the very first episode. She’s always been honest with herself and her friends, which is one of the qualities fans mostly admire about her.

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Luckily, her brutal honesty also gave viewers countless of hilarious lines that they will never forget (like the time she called out her friends for mocking her new boyfriend by saying this quote in “The One in Massapequa”). She even listed some examples: Janice, Mona, and Tag. She wasn’t wrong, either; they have all dated some pretty lousy people.

Chandler and Monica’s relationship brought a lot of great moments to the show, and one of those was the hilarious reaction Phoebe had when she first saw them together (“The One Where Everybody Finds Out”). She was over the street in Ross’ apartment with Rachel when she turned to see them making out in Monica’s apartment.

Because she knew nothing about it Phoebe couldn’t even bring herself to form proper sentences. Instead, she just screams “Chandler and Monica” repeatedly before repeating this line over and over. It’s an absolutely hilarious reaction and an amazing moment.

Throughout the show, Phoebe often uses the alter ego, Regina Phalange. Fans hear it in “The One with Ross’s Wedding” when she introduces herself as Ross’s doctor, Dr. Regina Phalange, and in “The One Where Joey Speaks French” when she introduces herself as Régine Phalange. The final reference to her alter ego comes in the very last episode, when she attempts to get Rachel to get off the plane by telling her this memorable quote.

Sure, phalanges are the bones that make up the fingers of the hand and the toes of the foot, but thanks to Pheebs, fans will always associate the term with planes.

Phoebe has always been quite an eccentric and unique individual, and in the early seasons, Friends really showed that with how she was written. A perfect example of that is when Joey is thinking about changing his acting name to something else (“The One with the Fake Monica”).

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He is discussing ideas with the group and randomly asks Phoebe for a name, to which she instantly comes out with the moniker “Flame Boy.” The confidence that she says it with really made the moment as she clearly believes it’s a perfect name.

The Season 9 episode “The One with Phoebe’s Birthday Dinner” has quite a few hilarious moments – from Ross’s sarcastic story to Phoebe’s overly courteous interaction with the stuck-up waiter at the fancy restaurant. But the most memorable line from this episode is probably Phoebe screaming at the top of her lungs: “Pick up the sock!”

Having waited for everyone for over an hour and lost the big table, Phoebe was more than a bit on edge. When she could no longer take any of it, she just let it all out.

When Phoebe learns that Ross’ son, Ben, is in the same class as the son of the legendary singer, Sting, she takes her opportunity to try and get free tickets to his concert (“The One with Monica’s Boots”). While this also ends up with Sting putting a restraining order against her, it does lead to a hilarious line.

She hilarious just sings Ross can at him to the tune of Sting’s “Roxanne” song and keeps doing it until he eventually caves and tries his best. This line then gets fed back later in the episode when Ross does secure tickets, making it even funnier.

In the season 8 episode “The One Where Rachel Tells…,” Rachel finally tells Ross that she’s having his baby. Of course, everyone else already knew, but they all had to pretend not to so that Ross wouldn’t think he’s the last one to find out. When Ross breaks the “news” to Phoebe and Joey, they try to act surprised and Phoebe yells out this line.

Her fake bewilderment comes off sarcastic and Ross isn’t fooled in the slightest. This unforgettable moment was immortalized in memes and gifs, which people regularly use to feign surprise.

This isn’t a line that fans hear Phoebe says out loud, but rather, in her head (“The One With the Race Car Bed”). The entire scene shows each character’s inner monologues being spoken out loud as they react to Ross telling a story about work.

Eventually, it pans around to Joey who is paying no attention and is just singing a song in his head. Then it goes to Phoebe, who asks “Who’s singing?” It’s hilarious as even Phoebe’s inner thoughts are quirky and unique, seemingly being able to hear other people’s thoughts.

When Rachel gets a promotion at Ralph Lauren, she also gets to hire her own assistant (“The One with Rachel’s Assistant”). Made to choose between Hilda and Tag, Rachel does an unprofessional thing and hires the latter instead. When Phoebe surprises Rachel at work and meets Tag, he tells her that she has a great name. In response, Phoebe decides to flirt with Tag, stating: “Oh, you like that? You should hear my phone number.”

This hilarious line became immensely popular among fans, as evidenced by all the gifs and memes. It also suits her character perfectly since she said it so confidently too.

In what is arguably one of the best Friends episodes ever, “The One Where Everybody Finds Out,” Phoebe finds out about Chandler and Monica, so she and Rachel decide to mess with the happy couple. However, Monica and Chandler figure out what they’re trying to do and hatch a plan of their own.

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In the midst of the chaos is poor Joey, who just wants to stop keeping everyone’s secrets. Unfortunately for him, his friends have other plans, because Phoebe believes it’ll be funnier to try and mess with them further. In an episode packed to the brim with comedic lines and gags, this one is the fans’ favorite as it shows Phoebe to be high-spirited and fun.

In the season 1 episode “The One With George Stephanopoulos,” the three women throw a slumber party at Monica’s apartment, but Rachel makes everyone sad after having a horrible day. The girls do their best to cheer her up, but they soon end up in the same miserable mood as Rachel. Monica asks Phoebe if she has a plan for the future, to which Pheebs says something the viewers never forget: “I don’t even have a ‘pla-.”

Make no mistake, their entire conversation is almost painfully relatable (which is why this episode is timeless), but it is Phoebe’s hilarious zinger that fans find themselves quoting again and again.

Coming up with excuses when someone really doesn’t want to do something isn’t always easy, and most people probably notice when a person is lying to get out of something (which is why viewers should all just follow Phoebe’s example and be completely blunt).

This is particularly seen in “The One where Monica Gets A Roommate” when Joey asked her if she wanted to help them put together Ross’s new furniture, Phoebe simply said: “I wish I could, but I don’t want to.” Sometimes, honesty really is the best policy. Why bother coming up with fake plans, previous commitments, and all that nonsense, when a person can just channel their inner Phoebe? A person is likely to respect someone more if they just tell the truth.

All six of the friends had a catchphrase or a running gag of a kind. Joey had “How you doin’?” Rachel had her drawn-out Noooo, Monica had the high-pitched “I know!,” Chandler put awkward inflections on certain words (could he BE any funnier?!), Ross had his low drawledHi (as well as the infamous We were on a break”), and Phoebe had the “Oh, no.”

When something bad would happen, this was Phoebe’s standard-issue reaction. For example, she used the line when her car ran out of gas in “The One Without the Ski Trip” or when Monica discovered she had moved out in “The One with the Flashback.” It’s a timeless line that fans will quote forever.

NEXT: 10 Funniest Running Gags On Friends, Ranked

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