Best gin 2022: Tried and tested botanical tipples for every taste

We needn’t tell you that the world is awash in gin. Ever since the great gin renaissance of the 2010s, new brands have launched on what feels like a daily basis. Even Buckingham Palace now sells its own bottling, made from botanicals grown on the grounds.

So, what makes the best gin? Like with a favourite perfume, or preferred pizza topping, it’s a deeply personal choice. Some swear it’s not gin unless it’s London Dry – bursting with resinous juniper, and earthy dried notes of coriander, angelica and liquorice. Others embrace modern gins, with exotic fruits, foraged herbs and pinky hues. While we haven’t gone so far as to include coloured gins in this list, we did feel it was important to include something for everyone.

What makes a gin “the best” also depends on your go-to serve. Every decent gin should be pleasant in a G&T, but some really shine this way; others are better in martinis, shaken into cocktails or even sipped straight. We’ve aimed for diversity in this department, too.

There are, however, a few standard boxes that all the best gins tick. Some are technical: the balance of botanicals, the intensity and complexity of the flavours, the length of the finish. Others are more philosophical: what gins do you remember (in a good way), long after trying? And which would you reach for again and again? All the gins on our list tick these boxes: not only are they well-made, and memorable, but we’d like to – and have – drunk them again and again.

Finally, value – rather than price – was a key consideration. The best gins aren’t the most (or least) expensive, but those worth their price tag. You wouldn’t expect the same thing from a £20 party-perfect gin as a £100 collector’s gin, and nor did we when compiling this list.

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The best gins for 2022 are:

  • Best overall –  No. 3 London dry gin: £33.95,
  • Best for British flavour – Conker Spirit Dorset dry gin: £36.45,
  • Best classic gin – Tanqueray London dry gin: £25.50,
  • Best for aficionados – Cambridge Distillery three seasons gin, 70cl: £90,
  • Best for cocktails – Hernö old tom gin, 50cl: £33.95,
  • Best for the juniper-shy – Snowdonia Spirit Co. Welsh dry gin, 70cl: £35.95,
  • Best for negronis – Seven Hills Italian dry gin, 70cl: £33,
  • Best for a garden party – Hendrick’s Gin, 70cl: £28.99,
  • Best for sipping  – BeauFort fifty-seven smoked sipping gin, 50cl: £39,
  • Best for a holiday in a glass – The Story Wines gin, 70cl: £39.99,
  • Best for G&Ts – Boatyard double gin, 70cl: £33.95,
  • Best for summery martinis – Tarquin’s cornish dry gin, 70cl: £34.39,
  • Best for innovation – Hyke gin, 70cl: £30,
  • Best for Asian flavours – Roku gin, 70cl: £25,
  • Best for sustainability – Warner’s London dry gin: £27,

Conker Spirit Dorset dry gin

Best: For British flavour

Made in small batches in Dorset, Conker has a real sense of place – give it a taste and after the initial hit of juniper fades away, in creeps a herbaceous note of wild gorse; a generous, fruity richness from elderberry; and a salty lick of marsh samphire. Throw in the fact that it’s copper-pot distilled using New Forest spring water and British wheat spirit, and this is basically the south coast in a glass.

Lighter and fresher than many classic London Dry gins – they call this one “Dorset Dry” – it lends itself particularly well to a Gin Sonic (the G&T’s lesser-known cousin that’s half tonic, half soda water). But we love it just as well in a summertime martini, where you can appreciate the rambling finish, each sip whisking you away to one of England’s loveliest counties.

Hernö old tom gin

Best: For cocktails

If you’ve never tried an old tom gin, time to get involved – it’s an indispensable part of a well-curated drinks cabinet. Typically sweeter than the classic London Dry style – and often punchier in alcohol level – they are as great for cocktail making as they are for flavourful single-shot G&Ts.

We’re big fans of this organic iteration from Hernö, a boutiquey Swedish distillery that has a cabinet full of awards for gin-making. Besides classic juniper, coriander, cassia and black pepper, you’ll find a clutch of interesting botanicals emerging from the glass: lingonberries, vanilla and meadowsweet included. And yet none are so pronounced as to cause cocktail clash – home mixologists could just as easily use this in a French 75 as a Bramble.

BeauFort fifty-seven smoked sipping gin, 50cl

Best: For sipping

If you’re looking for a gin to slug into your Tuesday night G&Ts, this is definitely not it. First of all, it’s on the pricey side – £39 for 50cl. Secondly, it’s a pretty punchy 57 per cent (commonly referred to as “navy strength”). Thirdly, it’s not meant for mixing at all, rather for slow, thoughtful sipping.

The idea of a sipping gin might sound gimmicky – as might the sound of a “smoked” one (BeauFort fifty-seven is infused with an oak-smoked water, originally created by Heston Blumenthal). But one sip and you cannot deny its finesse. Soft, smooth and almost nutty in character, with added flair from citrus and Szechuan pepper, it’s complex enough to keep you interested all the way to the bottom of the glass. Think of it as gin’s equivalent to a single malt whisky or sipping tequila.

Boatyard double gin

Best: For G&Ts

Double the juniper, double the gin-drinking pleasure, right? If you like your gins to have that hefty resinous hit, you’ll love this Northern Irish number, which gets its name from the fact that juniper is introduced not once (as is standard), but twice during the production process. It’s a technique that takes inspiration from Dutch genever, the precursor to gin.

It’s all this flavour, plus a higher alcohol content of 46 per cent ABV, that makes Boatyard a dream for G&Ts, especially when served up with a rich, sweeter mixer like Indian tonic – you really don’t need more than a shot to make that drink flavourful. With each sip, the other botanicals begin to come to the fore, too, showing off the gin’s complexity: lemon, coriander and sweet gale from the distillers’ own family farm.

Roku gin

Best: For Asian flavours

Some gins have long lists of botanicals, many of which you’ll often struggle to identify in the glass. This Japanese gin keeps things simple by highlighting just six prominent picks: yuzu citrus, sansho pepper, sakura (cherry blossom) flower and leaf, and two types of green tea. When combined with a strong juniper backbone the result feels like a classical London Dry gin that’s had a whirlwind trip to Japan – with delicious results.

Another reason we like this gin? It’s surprisingly food-friendly. Serve up a G&T of this with a Japanese feast – perhaps a platter of sushi or steaming deep-fried tempura – and that’s your evening sorted.

Gin FAQs

What is gin made from?

Gin is made from a distilled grain spirit with juniper berries.

Does gin go off?

The great thing about gin is it can be stored for years without going off, but it’s recommended to drink it within two years of opening. Even if you tightly reseal it, it’ll likely lose taste and quality if you leave it any longer.

What are the different types of gin?

There are four different types of gin: London dry gin, old Tom, Plymouth and navy strength gin.

Is gin gluten-free?

While gin is made from distilled grain spirit, it doesn’t contain gluten peptides and is therefore gluten-free and safe for coeliacs.

The verdict: Best gin 2021

Of all the gins out there, none hit the sweet spot between classic gin flavour and moreish complexity quite like No. 3. If you have room for just one gin on your shelf, we’d make it this one.

When it comes to bigger brands, Hendrick’s never fails to disappoint. But if you’re looking for something truly artisan and unique, look no further than crafted Australian gin The Story Wines. Or – if you’ve got a mega bank balance to splash on spirits – Cambridge Distillery’s elegant three seasons.

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For something a little different, we’ve rounded up the best flavoured gins to upstage the classic G&T

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