16 Best Dracula Movies Ranked, According To IMDb | ScreenRant

Originally published in 1897,  Bram Stoker’s Dracula would go on to become one of the most important horror novels ever conceived, introducing arguably one of the most prolific villains of all time. However, Dracula truly hit his stride via the medium of cinema, and fans still argue over which interpretation did the greatest justice to the Lord of all vampires.

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Regardless of who ends up emerging the victor, Dracula will continue to soldier on as one of the most enduring monsters of all time, thanks to a mixture of charisma, potent sex appeal, and a timeless Machiavellian stereotype that continues to entertain – and frighten – fans of vampire flicks related, or unrelated to Stoker’s work.

Updated on November 27th, 2021 by Derek Draven: Dracula continues to get the silver screen treatment over one hundred years after Bram Stoker immortalized the character in his 1897 novel, and for good reason. As far as movie villains go, he’s one of the most fascinating, frightening, and charismatic of the bunch. As the years tick on, filmmakers find new and inventive ways of bringing the Dracula character to the forefront, tapping in on centuries of superstition and historical culture in order to scare audiences.

16 Dracula (1974) – 6.2

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Plenty of Dracula movie fans think that the subplot of Dracula believing Mina Harker to be the reincarnation of a past love is part of the original book, but this is not the case. Actually, the concept was introduced in this movie, starring Jack Palance in the titular role. 

It didn’t score as high as other Dracula films, perhaps due to the sheer number of Hammer horror entries that had come out in the years prior. However, Palance’s imposing stature, iconic voice, and ability to play intimidating villains made him a solid fit for the role.

15 Dracula Untold (2014) – 6.3

• Available on Cinemax

Luke Evans starred as Vlad the Impaler in this origin story of how the nefarious warrior eventually succumbed to darkness and became the world’s most notorious vampire. The story begins as Vlad’s kingdom is under threat by the Ottomans, forcing him to tap into his inner brutality in order to strike fear into their hearts.

To save his people, and his own family, Vlad seeks out the help of a cursed vampire in order to gain access to powers that will help him repel the Ottoman army, but he falls victim to the same curse when tragedy strikes. The film was a bit heavy on CGI and spectacle, which is a departure from the haunting and creepy atmosphere of most Dracula films, but it’s an interesting attempt to flesh out an origin tale for the character though it failed to kickstart Universal’s proposed “Dark Universe” series, as would the studio’s next attempt with Tom Cruise in the reboot of The Mummy franchise in 2017.

14 Dracula In Istanbul (1953) – 6.4

Dracula in Istanbul, or Drakula Istanbul’da, is a Turkish retelling of the timeless tale, and is credited for being the first version of the character to be depicted with fangs. Though most fans of vampire flicks might never have heard of this particular entry, its influence on future Dracula movies is undeniable.

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Being set in an Islamic country, there are no crucifixes shown, and the word ‘vampire’ is never actually used, but the spirit of the story remains intact. The scene where Dracula offers a newborn baby to his vampire bride would later be replicated in Francis Ford Coppola’s 1992 version of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

13 Dracula (1979) – 6.5

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This Universal remake starred Frank Langella as a dashing Count and continued the theme of him looking for love, as opposed to simply being an evil bloodsucker. Langella also played the part on Broadway, and accepted the movie role, provided there was no depiction of fangs dripping blood. 

Speaking on the character, Langella said “I don’t play him as a hair-raising ghoul. He is a nobleman; an elegant man with a very difficult problem, a man with a unique and distinct social problem. He has to have blood to live, and he is immortal.”  As such, his performance was one of the most “human” ever put on film.

12 Dracula Has Risen From The Grave (1968) – 6.6

• Available on HBO Max

Lee would continue on in the role of Dracula – sometimes begrudgingly – for a few more years, and this follow-up to Prince of Darkness remains one of his best performances. During an exorcism, the Count is revived from his eternal slumber with one thing on his mind – revenge.

He decides to attack the man who previously defeated him by going after his young niece Maria, in order to make her his bride. Hammer’s eerie and entertaining horror formula hit the right mark, thanks again to Christopher Lee’s dynamite presence as Dracula.

11 Dracula: Prince Of Darkness (1966) – 6.7

Christopher Lee reprised the iconic role he started in 1958 with Hammer’s Dracula franchise and continued the saga of the evil Count. This time, Dracula is revived from the blood of a vacationing Englishman and brought back to full strength so he can wage his campaign of darkness.

The movie is notable for the final scene showing Dracula battling it out on the ice before he goes under. Naturally, not even a watery grave can keep the good Count down for long, and Lee would find himself filling Dracula’s shoes several more times, before moving onto greener pastures outside of Hammer studios.

10 Dracula (2020) – 6.8

• Available on Netflix

This three-part Netflix feature-length Dracula story is perfect for vampire movie fans, and Claes Bang’s depiction of the character is one of the most refreshing in recent memory. He blends a terrifying monster with an authentic gentleman, creating a charismatic and foreboding villain in equal measure.

In contrast to many modern vampire films which prioritize gore or special effects, this version of Dracula harkens back to a more classical method of storytelling, and that’s good news for traditionalists and purists.

9 Shadow Of The Vampire (2000) – 6.9

This parody mockumentary vampire flick focused on the making of the classic silent film Nosferatu, and centered around a “what-if” scenario between the movie’s director, and its main star Max Schreck. In order to create the ultimate vampire flick, director F.W. Murnau seeks out and casts a real-life vampire in the role, for the sake of authenticity.

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Things start going wrong when  Schreck’s ability to feed freely causes people to suddenly go missing. It’s a black comedy mixed with horror elements that goes a long way towards creating a more haunting mystery around the original movie. Plus, it’s a clever gateway film to the classic 1922 silent film.

8 The Monster Squad (1987) – 7.0

• Available on YouTube, Pluto TV, and Paramount+

This classic 1980s horror/comedy combo was forgotten by many in the years after its release but has more recently strengthened its reputation as an ’80s cult classic. It tells the story of Dracula, who comes to a small town in order to find a powerful amulet that can give him control over the entire world.

He’s aided by the most popular movie monsters including Frankenstein, the Wolf Man, the Mummy, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. A 12-year-old boy and his friends are the only ones standing between them and total victory. In typical 80s fashion, it’s both creepy, atmospheric, and loaded with fun.

7 Hotel Transylvania (2012) – 7.1

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This animated family comedy is one of the few to throw out the horror elements in favor of family-friendly fun. The story centers around Dracula opening up a vacation hotel that caters to the world’s most infamous monsters, and their loved ones.

When he invites them to celebrate the 118th birthday of his beloved daughter Mavis, they are interrupted by the chance arrival of the young human Jonathan, who develops a fondness for Mavis, and vice versa. Dracula is forced to deal with his own prejudice against humans as the two get close.

6 Horror Of Dracula (1958) – 7.3

• Available on HBO Max

Christopher Lee offered one of the most iconic performances of Dracula ever caught on film, scaring multiple generations of horror fans as the titular villain. Hammer deserves a lot of credit for crafting one of the most authentic and genuinely scary vampire films of the time period, and even by today’s standards, it’s a work of art.

The movie also handled its secondary characters well, particularly Van Helsing, played by Peter Cushing. In the U.S., the title was changed to Horror of Dracula in order to differentiate itself from the original Bela Lugosi classic. Lee would go on to portray the character a total of nine times, along with other monsters in Hammer’s vault.

5 Count Dracula (1977) – 7.4

• Available on Prime Video

Another BBC adaptation, this version of Dracula follows the book quite closely. In fact, other than Dracula not being portrayed as an old man, the entire arrival of John Harker at Dracula’s castle is verbatim to the novel, which was a rare display of strict adherence to the source material.

First shown on British television in its full 155-minute glory, it was eventually split up into a mini-series for repeat broadcast. French actor Louis Jourdan, know for his dashing and charming parts, played Dracula in this version, with a subtle, yet ominous glare that sells the character well.

4 Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) – 7.4

• Available on Netflix

Francis Ford Coppola’s Dracula is a disjointed mixed bag of hits and misses, all rolled into one bizarre, yet highly memorable film. Versatile character actor Gary Oldman portrays the Count, who falls in love with Mina Harker, played by Winona Ryder. It’s an odd duo that works in some ways, while falling short in others.

The film is notable for its eccentric take on everything from wardrobe choices, to tone. Yet, it’s also loaded with spectacular horror effects, chilling and terrifying scenes, and an energetic narrative. Of all the modern Dracula films, this one still ranks high. 

3 Nosferatu The Vampyre (1979) – 7.5

• Available on Peacock, Tubi, and Crackle

Werner Herzog’s remake of Nosferatu was an attempt to capitalize on everything that made the original 1922 movie so memorable while expanding its material to provide a more fleshed-out and interesting story. In the version, the vampire was played by Klaus Kinski, who attempted to create a more sympathetic vampire, as opposed to a bloodthirsty monster.

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This time, Herzog was unconstrained by copyright issues that affected the previous work, and he was able to name his vampire Dracula once more. As such, it straddles two worlds by paying homage to both Stoker’s novel, and the hugely influential silent original.

2 Dracula (1931) – 7.5

• Available on Peacock

Easily the most iconic Dracula, Bela Lugosi continues to retain his mark on the cinematic character, despite being 9 decades old. Made a time when movies were just climbing out of their infancy, Dracula pulled out all the stops to create a major horror movie epic that genuinely scared the pants off moviegoers.

Dracula heralded the start of the golden age of Universal monsters and is one of the pioneers of modern horror cinema. The formula that it created would be repeated for decades to come, as more studios began capitalizing on old stories, myths, and legends in order to entertain and frighten audiences around the globe.

1 Nosferatu (1922) – 7.9

• Available on Pluto TV and Tubi

Nosferatu is something of an anomaly in cinema. It came out during the primordial age of movie making, yet it somehow managed to evoke more terror than some modern horror flicks could ever hope to achieve. There’s a mixture of elements that work together to make Nosferatu such an effective film. The lack of sound mixed with ancient black and white camera work somehow makes it feel like a nightmare come to life.

Next, the character of Dracula, who was renamed Count Orlok to try and skirt copyright laws, is fiercely terrifying to this day. The makeup job accentuated actor Max Schreck’s intimidating eyes, while giving him a ghoulish appearance that stands in opposition to the suave and charismatic Draculas that would follow in his wake. It could be argued that Nosferatu is the most important horror movie ever made.

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