15 Best Greek Mythology Movies | Screen Rant

There is something indelibly appealing about Greek mythology. It incorporates imaginative fantasy elements into the sincerity of religion. It is the magical realism of the highest order, wherein humans coexist with monsters. The gods themselves were every bit as flawed as humans, making them unexpectedly relatable. They were vain and vengeful, inviting convoluted and operatic drama.

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Further, civilization itself was deeply intriguing. Their politics and customs are unique, fascinating pieces of history, from which we are not especially far removed. Their grandiose stories and lives will perpetuate them in eternity as proven by many films in the genre. Here are the ten best movies for fans of Greek mythology.

Updated on December 31st, 2021 by Quinn Levandoski: Unfortunately, the massive worldwide delay in movie releases means that fans of Greek mythology don’t have much new material to enjoy. Fortunately, this timeless historical fantasy genre contains a nearly-endless collection of films since near the beginning of the medium’s inception.

Many of the best Greek mythology movies are available via popular streaming services, though others need to be individually purchased from viewers’ preferred physical or digital storefronts. With films once again returning to cinemas, it’s likely that more movies inspired by various mythological cannons will soon return to cinemas everywhere. 

  • Available on Tubi and Vudu

Arnold Schwarzenegger has starred in a wide range of films over his decades-long acting career, but Hercules in New York is seldom considered one of Schwarzenegger’s best movie roles. This mythology-inspired film was the very first acting credit for Arnold Swarzenegger, and director Arthur Allan Seidleman took advantage of his peak physique to sell the comically overwhelming strength of the titular hero.

The movie is a classic fish-out-of-water story that sees Hercules travel to the Big Apple after expressing frustration that Zeus never let him have any fun. Unfortunately, the film was widely panned for its lack of humor and the strange choice to poorly dub another actor’s voice over Schwarzenegger’s.

  • Available on Tubi and Vudu

Minotaur is a very loose retelling of the famous Greek myth. It is a horror film that stars Tom Hardy. The film is set during the Iron Age. A village worships a bull as their god, and a woman conceives a child with the animal named the Minotaur.

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They imprison the beast inside of an underground labyrinth, and every few years, the village must sacrifice multiple people to the beast. One year, Theo (Hardy), discovers his girlfriend will be sacrificed, and he asks the king for an opportunity to save her from the Minotaur.

  • Available on HBO Max

Clash of the Titans received a lot of hatred upon its release. The original film was generally a Ray Harryhausen spectacle featuring incomparable claymation wizardry. As a result, the modern CGI monsters seem to lack some of the original’s charm. Further, the original focused a great deal more on the gods themselves and their chess match regarding humanity.

The relationship between humans and the gods took precedence. This flashy remake can be fun, with some dazzling realizations of claymation that might be inaccessible for newer audiences. Also, the action has some decent verve to it, but the plot is somewhat rushed and character development just isn’t there.

  • Available to purchase on Prime Video

Wrath of the Titans is the sequel to the 2010 film Clash of the Titans. Unfortunately, it was mostly panned by critics, but it still has its share of fans who enjoy it just for its silliness.

For fans of Greek mythology, it’s worth checking out at least once to see some of the monstrous beings fight. It takes place a decade after the events of the first film with the gods losing their hold over the legendary Titans. Perseus must rescue Zeus and save the human race by defeating the Titans.

  • The Lightning Thief is available on Disney+ and Prime Video 
  • Sea of Monsters is available on HBO Max

A lot of hardcore book fans reject the Percy Jackson movies because they change a lot of things from the famous book series written by Rick Riordan. That said, fans that haven’t read the books or are able to separate them from the story the movies tell may be able to enjoy them as the fun popcorn flicks they are.

There are only two of them at this time, starring Logan Lerman, Jake Abel, Brandon T. Jackson, and Alexandra Daddario. The movies follow Percy Jackson (Lerman), a demigod who strains at a camp with other demigods his age and the adventures Jackson is forced to go on in the process.

  • Available to purchase on Prime Video

Though a few (mostly silent) films preceded it, the 1956 movie Helen of Troy is notable for being one of the earliest cinematic interpretations of The Illiad and The Odyssey. The movie’s plot follows the same large strokes as the source material, though it paints the Greek kings in a poorer light to build up the love-story elements of Helen and Paris.

It was received relatively well by critics who primarily praised some of the set pieces (including the famous Trojan Horse trick), but the acting and pacing left many underwhelmed.

  • Available on Tubi and Vudu

The First King: Birth of an Empire is an Italian historical drama film starring Alessandro Borghi and Alessio Lapice. This film is based on the famous Romulus and Remus myth, the story of two shepherd brothers, one of whom was raised by a wolf.

In the movie, Romulus and Remus take a journey that leads them to discover a new nation and will encounter a dark betrayal. The movie received positive praise from critics and it was nominated for multiple awards and won a couple of them.

  • Available on fuboTV

It might surprise some to learn that O Brother, Where Art Though? is based on the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer. It is a satirical film that incorporates many elements from the iconic poem.

The George Clooney-starring film follows Ulysses Everett McGill is trying to adjust to his labor sentence in Mississippi and while there he meets with Delmar and Pete. The trio goes on a journey to find buried treasure, and in the process, they meet a number of eclectic characters, encounter many obstacles, and undertake adventures.

  • Available to purchase on Prime Video

The visuals of this film are undeniably engaging, with decent scope and enthusiasm. Yet, like the similar film, 300, it contains fairly graphic violence. However, the dark cinematography in Immortals can feel dull by comparison.

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The story itself bears little resemblance to an actual Greek myth and instead simply plays in that sandbox. The acting is decent, but the dialogue is stiff. Ultimately, in prioritizing visuals that are so similar to another movie, it mainly asks fans to watch 300 again.

  • Available to purchase on Prime Video

Many fans of Greek mythology are likely familiar with the famous scenes and most quotable lines from the 2007 film 300, but it was the similarly named The 300 Spartans that first introduced moviegoers to the legendary King Leonidas the battle at Thermopylae.

This version was made with cooperation from the Greek government and succeeds in conveying the scale of the Persian’s conquest and the dire situation of the Spartans as they attempt to hold onto their culture and way of life. While viewers may already know the fate of Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, this interpretation of history is no less impressive for it.

Medea, an Italian movie by Pier Paulo Pasolini, interprets the famous Greek myth Jason and the Argonauts. The film is named after one of the story’s essential characters, Medea, who is betrayed by Jason and eventually seeks revenge on him and his family.

The movie was considered particularly notable by critics for the excessively bleak handling of its subject matter and refusal to shy away from the grimmer parts of the original myth. Famous Italian singer Maria Callas leads the cast of Medea in her only acting role.

  • Available on DIRECTV

This film subverts expectations of the genre at every turn, essentially turning fantasy into a recurring joke. Hercules purports to explain how misinterpretations could often result in wild speculation and subsequent legends of fantasy. So, those hoping for that aspect of Greek mythology will be left disappointed. Instead, the story has a lighthearted, almost juvenile tone, perhaps befitting of its controversial director, Brett Ratner.

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However, the adventure is buoyant and quick, and the titular hero is played well by Dwayne Johnson. Though his acting chops aren’t always top-tier, he does have plenty of charisma and the right physique. He sells the role with sincere enthusiasm and elevates the story with his presence.

  • Available on Tubi and HBO Max

Here’s yet another film that looks gorgeous yet largely casts plot and character aside. It also leans further into fantasy, which may frustrate fans of the original film. Even for all its visual hyperbole, that first outing only carried hints of fantasy. Everything set with an ocean backdrop is inherently beautiful, including the corresponding action sequences.

The brutality fits in that harsh, storming weather, but the protagonist is the weakest part of the film, and that is massively detrimental considering how popular Gerard Butler’s Leonidas has remained in pop culture. The true point of intrigue is Eva Green, whose Artemisia is both sympathetic and a magnetic villain.

  • Available on Paramount+

Iphigenia is director Michael Cacoyannis’ third film based on Greek mythology, and it’s also the best-received. This film is based on a stage play of the same name and follows the titular Iphigenia, the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra (the sister of Helen of Troy), as she and those around her deal with challenging questions of life, duty, and faith.

After men offend the goddess Artemis, she orders Agamemnon to sacrifice his daughter. The dramatic story focuses on questions of faith and responsibility, and the movie received several notable awards.

  • Available on Disney+ and Tubi

The songs in Hercules hold up to anything else in the Disney Renaissance, and the characters are equally memorable. Hercules may be a typical outcast, but his determination and craftiness are fun. Meg is one of the greatest female characters in the Disney canon, with charming sarcasm, empathy, and independence.

Further, the villainous Hades is absolutely hilarious. In fact, all of the comedy throughout is gold, with a surprising degree of meta-humor. This extends to references to Greek mythology itself. The movie may have been different if Hercules followed the original myth more closely, but the changes made it an instant animated classic.

  • Available on HBO Max

The brisk plot of the original Clash of the Titans is itself essentially another straightforward adventure story. However, the uncanny artistry of one Ray Harryhausen is thoroughly enriching and infectious to behold. Every new creature just radiates creativity and aesthetic passion. The film also presents some of the most accurate portrayals of gods and goddesses in film.

Perhaps it was behind the times when Star Wars had already stolen the hearts of fantasy fans, but Harryhausen was an undeniable genius. That fun aside, the tragedy in this tale isn’t lost through adaptation, and fortunately, the performances hold up. The interference and prioritized perspective of the gods is arguably the most interesting facet of this classic.

  • Available on HBO Max

Wonder Woman was a breath of fresh air for mythology fans and the DCEU despite indulging the occasionally cliché superhero beat. Diana’s origins on Themyscira are utterly gripping, convincing, and visually breathtaking, and her integration into World War I provides deft handling of issues about race, gender, and human flaws.

Rarely are such forthright conversations treated with such digestible nuance. The story comes first, and it unfolds with a superb balance of action, heart, and humor. Diana may not battle giant creatures, but she certainly confronts the truest of monsters. This rich storytelling is also bolstered by a great cast, dazzling effects, and powerhouse music that instantly made it one of the best-ranked DC movies to date.

  • Available on Philo and Crackle

Jason and the Argonauts is the original classic go-to movie for fans of Greek mythology. Its effects were far beyond their time, innovative and captivating for every unique design. The compelling story stands on its own, but it was also conducive to a boiling pot of various creatures.

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The pacing is swift enough, and every scene thoroughly exudes a love for Greek mythology. The characters are boisterous and fun. This movie is a greatest hits compilation for any mythology lover with its inclusions of grand action, prophesies, and familiar mythological figures. Fortunately, the sharp story is sustained by Ray Harryhausen’s timeless work and sturdy performances from the cast.

  • Available to purchase on Prime Video

Frank Miller’s graphic novel, and this interpretation of it, may be one of the most unrealistic movies about ancient wars, but that doesn’t make it any less exciting. The plot of 300 is primarily set at Thermopylae. The featured battle is perhaps one of the most famous in history, an underdog story that translates well to a film boasting a compelling, machismo style. The Spartans and their customs are so brutal and mighty despite their genuine love and sympathy.

There is robust brotherhood, fatherhood, and marital passion. The characters are larger than life, as is their war, which is narrated throughout the film by a Spartan. That narrative angle pardons any potential fabrications or points of view. While this tale of war may be all exaggeration and style, it is certainly the rawest, most entertaining execution of such wanton excess.

  • Available on Tubi

This grounded approach to the Trojan War shown in Troy may not be as flashy as the others listed here, but it is certainly the most character-driven, convincing presentation of a Greek myth that still offers slick action sequences. Because audiences are allowed to invest in the entire cast of characters, every battle feels earned.

The heightened sense of romance and honor is always driven by convincing circumstances. Even such things as philosophy and destiny are invoked in dialogue that is both grandiose and intimate at once. The characters are perfectly cast and deliver striking performances. The iconography is enthralling, the screenplay is measured for the personal and epic alike, and James Horner’s score is equal parts moving and vast.

NEXT: The 10 Best Medieval Fantasy Movies, According To IMDb

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