Details of Turkey’s Bitcoin and Altcoin Law Revealed!

The Bitcoin and altcoin community in Turkey is eagerly awaiting future regulations in the cryptocurrency space. Government officials continue to talk to cryptocurrency experts and influencers about the rules. The most recent of these was Action Cülcüloğlu, Information Technologies Specialist. So, what was discussed with Cülcüoğlu? We are giving the details as…

New details on Bitcoin and altcoin regulations

As we have also reported as, President Erdoğan gave the signal that the crypto money bill would become operational in the near future. While this situation made the Turkish crypto money community curious, the most thought issue was “whether tax will be taken from crypto money assets”. Ak Party Group Deputy Chairman Mustafa Elitaş participated in the speech of some experts on Twitter and called the experts to the parliament. Since then, the second session of this meeting has also taken place. One of the last meetings Elitaş had on this subject was with Information Technologies Specialist Eylem Cülcüloğlu.

The expert name opened a live broadcast on Youtube and conveyed what was discussed. Cülcüloğlu, who said that he conveyed to the authorities what crypto money investors are afraid of, said, “It was a good exchange of information.” He also talked about the importance of cryptocurrency mining and how positive it would be to mine in Turkey. He pointed out that this area exhibits high potential.

On the subject of taxation, which is especially curious, the expert said that “there is no taxation issue in this draft law”, on the contrary, it is desired to make Turkey a center of attraction for crypto money.

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