Despite Cryptocurrency Bans in China, Second-Highest Contribution to Bitcoin Mining Becomes

According to research by the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF), China, one of the countries that most affect the cryptocurrency market, makes a significant contribution to bitcoin mining operations around the world.

According to CCAF’s research, China’s contribution to the Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI) is behind the United States. It is in the 2nd place.

After the crackdown on bitcoin miners in China last year, many companies have shut down their operations. to other countries had carried. In this process, China’s July-August to bitcoin mining contribution 0% was specified as.

However, according to the latest data shared by the CCAF, China’s contribution to bitcoin mining September of 2021 per month to 22.29% going up October-January between 20% watching around.

Although this is prohibited in China, illegal mining operations of many companies indicates that he is doing it.

According to the previous data, the hash rate of Kazakhstan, which is one of the largest mining centers, seems to have decreased somewhat. Its share in mining in August which is 18% country’s share in January dropped to 13%.

Also, the states of the United States Georgia, Texas, and Kuntucky share in bitcoin mining, respectively 32%, 11.2% and 10.9% exists as.

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