Delighting news from Togg for visually impaired users!

Turkey’s Automobile Enterprise Group, or Togg for short, on the one hand putting the domestic car on the road On the other hand, it wants more people to have access to the products and services it has developed. In this context BlindLook liberating visually impaired users Within the scope of the cooperation with the company, the touch points of physical and digital products will be unhindered step by step.

Togg products and services open to visually impaired users

The products and services of Togg, which has joined the EyeBrand network, the global certificate that certifies BlindLook’s inclusive service to its partners, are BlindLook’s products and services. with sound technology will be accessible to visually impaired users.

BlindLook’s 100 percent sound-focused freedom technology Voice Simulationby making products and services accessible to fully and partially visually impaired individuals, enables visually impaired individuals to use products and services independently without the need for assistance.

When the integration is completed, visually impaired individuals will be able to access Togg’s official website with their BlindLook account and benefit from products and services equally and accessible.

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