Deal Box Launches New Fund for Blockchain Investments

Deal Box, a startup that provides consultancy services in token supply and capital markets based in the United States, said in a statement yesterday that Web3 and blockchain announced the launch of a $125 million fund to invest in

Deal Box Ventures will invest in emerging fintech, real estate, funtech and social projects. The founder and current main manager of the company, Thomas Carter, gave the following words after the news shared today:

“Deal Box Ventures will take on the vision of redesigning the traditional finance industry by making it simpler. We will achieve this by investing in next-generation and promising blockchain initiatives.”

The investment venture, as the first activity of the Ventures fund Web3 Operating in the field, Total Network Services acquired most of the Rypplzz and Forward-Edge AI companies.

Total Network Services aims to make the supply chain easier by using blockchain technology, while Rypplzz aims to combine digital and physical objects via blockchain.

Investments Rise as Market Falls in 2022

Although we observed a sharp decline in crypto money prices last year, the investment amounts did not follow the market. In 2021, blockchain projects received $30 billion worth of investment, in 2022 this figure was recorded as $36.1 billion.

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