Dax keeps rising – The four conclusions from the 1600-point rally

Dusseldorf The upward trend on the German stock market continues unabated. The Dax rose in the morning by a further 0.4 percent to 13,397 points. Already on Tuesday, the leading index Dax went 0.6 percent higher at 13,339 points from trading.

The current momentum, the dynamic of this upward movement, is impressive: There have been seven new highs in the past eight trading days. Since the end of September, the leading index has risen by almost 1,600 points or the equivalent of 13 percent.

Four conclusions can be drawn from this rally since late September.

1. Dax should no longer mark a new annual low

It is very unlikely that the Dax will fall below the 12,000 point mark again in the coming weeks or even mark a new low for the year. This valid mark is 11,862 points.

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