Cüneyt Arkın Died

Cüneyt Arkın, one of the most famous and beloved names of Turkish cinema, passed away. The 85-year-old master actor had been struggling with age-related diseases for a while. So who was Cüneyt Arkın? Why did it have a historical significance for Turkish cinema?

One of the master names of Yeşilçam Cüneyt ArkinHe was declared dead. He opened his eyes in 1937 and his name in the identity card Fahrettin Cüreklibatur The famous artist, who is a famous artist, was on the agenda from time to time with health problems.

Cüneyt Arkın’s meeting with the world of cinema was actually a chance. Istanbul University Faculty of MedicineArkın, who won the . Arkın, who did his military service in the same year, was a director at the 1st Air Jet Base. Halit Refig He met her and this meeting was the turning point of his life.

He left countless works to Yeşilçam

Cüneyt Arkın’s entry into the cinema industry, Expatriate Birds It was with a movie. However, the career of the master actor did not end there. Arkın, who has appeared in dozens of films over the years, reached its peak with the Malkoçoğlu series. Arkın, who has been side by side with Fatma Girik, Türkan Şoray, Filiz Akın and Hülya Koçyiğit in dozens of works, in total in more than 300 projects had taken place. Kara Murat and Battal Gazi were recorded as the first superheroes of Turkish cinema.

Why did Cüneyt Arkın die?

The cause of death of 85-year-old Cüneyt Arkın not announced for now. However, the master player old age He was known to fight certain diseases. It seems that Arkın’s body could not bear the pain he suffered any longer…

Some productions starring Cüneyt Arkın:

Cuneyt Arkin died

  • Expatriate Birds
  • His eyes are worth a lifetime
  • Vagrant Lover
  • Clash of Giants
  • Three Horsemen of Khorasan
  • Malkocoglu
  • Bandit Halil (Bandit)
  • Vatan and Namık Kemal
  • Bee, Honey, Honeycomb
  • Battal Gazi’s Revenge
  • Black Murat: Fatih’s Fedayeen
  • Fearless Warrior
  • supermen
  • Kanije Castle
  • The Man Who Saved the World
  • Son of the Man Who Saved the World
  • Crazy Classroom
  • Ghoul
  • Establishment Osman

Some posts about Cüneyt Arkın’s death:












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