Cumberland Analyst Announces 2023 Bitcoin Prospects and Favorite Altcoin!

2022 Bitcoin (BTC) and altcoins It was a year in which prices fell sharply and many large companies went bankrupt.

like investors cryptocurrency companies are also hopeful for 2023. In this context, crypto company Cumberland analyst Steven Goulden explained 4 topics and cryptocurrencies that will dominate the crypto money industry in 2023.

Steven Goulden recently published his report titled “Review of the Year” in which he shared his predictions for 2023.

In the analyst report, the important events that he expects to happen in the next 6 to 24 months are “NFTs become a way for a brand to tokenize its intellectual property (IP), web3 apps and games become really popular, and Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) become more widely used as a nation’s reserve asset.” said that.

“Countries Will Use Bitcoin and Ethereum as Reserve Assets!”

Analyst BTC and ETH He drew attention to the confiscation of Russian reserve assets among the sanctions that Russia was subjected to after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The analyst, who stated that there was an increasing interest in investing excess reserves in government bonds of underdeveloped countries, especially by exporting countries, continued as follows:

“And as the dollar approaches historic highs, exporting countries are now less interested in buying US treasury bills to lower their currencies against the USD.

Even a small central bank allocation of BTC or ETH will be significant and will likely lead other exporting states to do the same.”

According to the analyst, export-heavy countries are replacing their reserves with US Treasuries to strengthen their currencies against the US dollar. cryptocurrency may decide to keep them.

“NFTs Will Rise!”

The Cumberland analyst, who has argued so far that NFTs have mostly been limited to the art work, said: NFT He said the next step in his industry will be to combine NFTs with a brand’s intellectual property.

According to the analyst, web3 Many businesses outside of the U.S. are already using NFTs to monetize their intellectual property and increase customer engagement.

“While this industry within crypto is still in its infancy, several key companies with non-crypto origins have made significant progress in adopting technology to monetize IP and increase customer engagement.

NBA Topshots was one of the first projects to garner significant attention and eventually opened the door to similar projects, but the proliferation didn’t stop there.

Similarly, Nike has invested heavily here, working with high-profile designers on topics like NFT and physical footwear.”

“Web3 Adoption Will Gain Speed!”

Stating that the adoption of Web3 platforms will start to gain momentum in 2023, the analyst said that breaking Web2 monopolies has been extremely difficult so far:

“The truth is that projects like this take time to build and boot. So we estimate real upswing likely to be 12+ months, with significant user adoption likely in 2-5 years.”

Finally Web3 Saying that he is very optimistic about the video game-based video game market, the analyst stated that there are three billion players worldwide, about 200 million of which are serious, and this corresponds to a market worth between 200 and 300 billion dollars in total.

In this context, the analyst blockchain He stated that the winning aspects of games based on playing will provide significant profitability for the developers.

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