CULMED 2 Summit will take place on 8-10 November

CULMED 2 Summit, which includes expert speakers in the field, will take place on 8-10 November at Yıldız Technical University Davutpaşa Campus, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics.

Yıldız Technical University Medical Technologies Club (MEDİTEK) Participants who attend all 3 sessions of the CULMED Summit organized by

In addition, the sponsors of the event will take place with their stands outside the event hall. Participants will be able to talk to sponsors and be informed about opportunities.

CULMED Summit will take place on 8-10 November this year.

CULMED Summit, which was held online for the first time in 2020 due to the pandemic, hosted more than 500 applications and more than 300 participants. CULMED Summit, which comes from the combination of the Latin word “culmen” meaning summit and medical, will be held this year. On 8-10 November will happen.

To join the event application form Just fill in.

For more detailed information Instagram address you can visit.

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