CTO Ardoino: FTX asked Tether for billions during crash

Tether (USDT) CTO Paolo Ardoino revealed that Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) contacted him and his team before the FTX bankruptcy and asked for billions of dollars.

Paolo Ardoino In a recent interview with Forbes, FTX before its bankruptcy Sam Bankman-FriedHe stated that he had reached out to him and asked for help. According to Ardoino’s statement SBF 7 November on, Tether He called the authorities and demanded a large amount of money. Stating that SBF did not provide much details about his request or how much money he needed, Ardonio said that the company nevertheless generally rejected this request.

According to financial records released in 2022, FTX Tether’s biggest customers was among. In this request by SBF, Ardoino feeling that something is wrong and “that saying no is an easy decision” he stated.

He suddenly asked for something he had never wanted before. We are not talking about an asset like 10 million dollars here, his request was billions of dollars. The way he spoke showed that he had a big problem.

USDT, which has been at the center of discussions and doubts since the first day it was launched, has been in the middle of a different scandal recently. mid-December Binance, FTX and Tether Conspiracy theories were produced about what happened between the two countries and the loss of USDT’s stability in the dollar caused concerns.

However, in a message group allegedly belonging to the Tether team, Ardoino said “We are ready to provide whatever capital is needed to protect USDT” statements did not go unnoticed.

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