CryptoPunk 9998 Becomes Most Expensive NFT ‘Unsold’

early morning today 532 million dollars CryptoPunk number 9998, which seems to have been sold in exchange but not sold, has left some cryptocurrency followers wondering about the motives of the NFT owner.

Twitter bot that tracks the activity of NFTs in the CryptoPunks collection, Friday at 03:00 in the waters of punk number 9998 For 124,457.07 ether (ETH) that it’s sold made a post about it.

Part of the 10,000 NFT collection created in 2017, the 9998 is on display The biggest sale in non-fungible token history Although this process seems to be the subject, a separate seller and a buyer It cannot be considered a sale as it does not exist.

The contract with the code 0x9b5a**, which can be followed on Etherscan, flash loan method from several different sources. 124,457 ETH borrowed money, this money was forwarded to address 0x8e39**, then Address 0x8e39** sent money back to contract code 0x9b5a** and 0x9b5a**, paid back the flash loan.

At the end of this process, punk number 9998, one of the 3,840 female punks, came to the fore with messy white hair, black lipstick, and green clown eyes. back to original address.

Flash loan method provides users transaction they owed with the process of repaying the debt as long as they do it in the same block without warranty provides the opportunity to borrow money.

Owner of punk number 9998, several different addresses using this NFT from himself‘bought’ with borrowed money and then repaid the debt.

value in pounds 5 billion lira over process, to launder money Although it is suspected that the by the same person has been made and a ‘sale’ has not occurred, the transaction troll or fun It gave rise to the thought that it may have been made for a purpose.

Image: punk number 9998, Larva Labs, image modified by Koin Bulletin

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