Cryptoleaks Comment from Avalanche Founder: “We Don’t Need Intrigue”

Emin Gün Sirer, founder of Ava Labs, said that the allegations made about the company on the Cryptoleaks site are completely “false”.

Emin Gün Sirer shared a post on Medium this evening and made the following statement about the allegations about Ava Labs:

“I’ll be as clear as I can be: We’re not involved in, we don’t support, any of the underhand attack tactics mentioned in this article or some of the videos. We believe in what we’ve built, and we don’t need collusion or intrigues behind closed doors.”

The Ava Labs ecosystem is awash with allegations made on the Cryptoleaks site a few days ago.

In these allegations, it was stated that Ava Labs worked with a law firm called Roche Freedman a few years ago, in order to grow the Avalanche ecosystem during this partnership. collecting private information about rival companies and using this information against them is suggested.

Emin Gün Sirer, in today’s statements, as Ava Labs on litigation No Roche Freedman “they didn’t give instructions”all cases of Roche “Opens independently from Ava Labs” stressed.

According to the allegations made by Cryptoleaks, Roche Freedman Among the names he sued, Binance, in addition to it Some rivals to Avalanche, such as Solana Labs exists. Emin Gün Sirer, especially “What they learned from the press” about the lawsuit against Solana Labs told. Sirer concluded his statement as follows:

“We will continue to work hard for the blockchain community. We invite everyone to put aside personal attacks, deceitful lies. Let’s continue to work together.”

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