Cryptocurrency Exchange FTX Filed a $953 Million Lawsuit

The consultants who managed FTX’s bankruptcy process filed a lawsuit against the cryptocurrency exchange Bybit Fintech Ltd and two other organizations affiliated with it to get back the $ 953 million withdrawn from the exchange.

In the lawsuit filed in Delaware the other day, Bybit’s investment arm Mirana Corp. privileges that other customers do not have It was stated that he had.

According to the lawsuit, Mirana used other customers to withdraw money from FTX. waiting for hoursusing these privileges, left the platform before the stock market crashed. worth approximately $953 million Withdrew crypto money.

According to the lawsuit filed to get these money back, Mirana 327 million dollars The portion was withdrawn in the early hours of November 7 and 8, when FTX suspended withdrawals.

FTX, the cryptocurrencies subject to the lawsuit Priced according to market data as of November 1 says.

The names of Bybit Fintech Ltd, Mirana and Time Research Ltd, a cryptocurrency trading company, are mentioned on the defendant side.

Some investors want to buy the bankrupt FTX and restart it. SEC Chairman Gary Gensler had signaled that this was legally possible. FTX’s token FTT, in a week gained 243% value.

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