Cryptocurrency and Metaverse Instruction from President Erdogan!

At the FMC meeting chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, crypto money and metaverse were at the top of the agenda. After the meeting, it was stated that Erdogan instructed a three-pronged study on the metaverse and cryptocurrency space. We convey the details as…

President talks about cryptocurrencies and metaverse

AK Party Spokesperson Ömer Çelik; He stated that crypto money, Blockchain and metaverse issues are on the agenda in VQA. Çelik said, “Our President has given instructions regarding the working of the legal infrastructure of these issues, to our relevant units.” The instruction includes a three-legged workout. At the meeting, it was also emphasized that measures should be taken for the metaverse. It was emphasized that this issue should be carefully investigated. It was stated that President Erdoğan said about the metaverse, “It is a sensitive subject, a good and meticulous study should be done”.

President Erdoğan gave an instruction to organize an internet form in which he will participate, and it was stated that in this context, besides metaverse and crypto money, social media trades will also be examined. It has been reported that it will be observed how land purchases are made, especially in the metaverse. It was stated that it could cause a problem if some bought the Temple of the Virgin Mary and some museums. The President instructed that experts in the field should also be invited to the workshop.

On the other hand, the AK Party Deputy Chairman of Information and Communication Technologies Ömer İleri made a presentation on the metaverse. In the presentation, it was stated that many social media platforms may soon move to this world and that crypto money is also linked to the metaverse. Regarding this, the party staff said, “We need to follow the developments. We must be cautious. We also need to be pioneers in developments in this field. However, everything we do here may be aimed at legitimizing the commercialized part of that world. We need to pay attention to him as well,” he said.

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