Criticism From Cardano Founder: “Forget This Dead Project!”

Although Charles Hoskinson, the founder and chairman of Cardano, has been silent for a while, he has recently attracted attention with his statements. Ethereum Classic Hoskinson, who made some statements and accusations about him, again managed to attract attention with his statements.

He also served as a member of the ETC Cooperative Board of Directors. Charles HoskinsonHe stated that Ethereum Classic is a dead project and does not have any purpose of existence. Hoskinson also drew attention to making these statements after it was suggested that he wanted to impose a 20% “miner tax” on ETC miners.

While ETC enthusiasts continue to demand that the project’s official Twitter account be returned to the community, the account is still under Hoskinson’s control.

In a recent tweet, an Ethereum Classic supporter named @Sethccormack9 claimed that Hoskinson wanted to impose a 20% miner tax in order to “exploit” the network.

The claim was harshly criticized by Hoskinson. Hoskinson countered the allegations by stating that the so-called tax is not a miner’s tax, as the Ethereum Classic advocate claims, but a sustainable development fund.

Expressing that he still upsets him because the Ethereum Classic network could not reach its full potential, the founder of Cardano explained that ETC is a dead project with no clear purpose for existence apart from stubbornness.

As reported by, Hoskinson compared Solana to an old Nintendo console when recommending a YouTube video that could fix the constant network congestion. Supporters of the Cardano network also supported Hoskinson’s views, describing those who make unfounded or manipulated claims as “lack of love”.

Ethereum Classic Continues to Be Criticized

Meanwhile, Hoskinson isn’t the only crypto enthusiast to have criticized Ethereum Classic lately. The project continues to be criticized for not reaching its full potential after the hard fork on the Ethereum network. However, not all crypto enthusiasts believe Ethereum Classic is dead.

In July, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin launched ETH miners. Ethereum Merge urged him to switch to ETC after his upgrade was complete.

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