Critical Week For Gold Prices: What Will Happen Wednesday?

While gold prices were at $1,782 on the last working day of the week, gram gold was around 792 liras. Last week, investors’ focus was on inflation data from the US Federal Reserve (FED). This week, a critical announcement for gold prices may come from the Fed again.. We are reporting important developments that are thought to affect the gold markets…

What’s on the agenda for gold prices this week?

The ounce price of gold has not experienced a serious increase in the past weeks. However, the same was not the case for gram gold. Gram gold changed hands quite close to the peak levels. In the last week, the focus of precious metals investors was on the inflation data of the United States. After the inflation data came in at a rate of 6.8 percent, the price of ounce of gold rose from 1,774 to 1,782 dollars.

Now, gold investors’ eyes are on the Fed’s next meeting. The meeting will take place on Wednesday and Thursday this week. So on 14 and 15 December. According to experts, the outcome of the Fed meeting and the resulting data could affect the price of the precious metal. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell talked about this meeting, which will take place on December 14-15, in a recent statement, and drew attention to the fact that a valuation will be made about the pace of reducing asset purchases.

To many, the US Federal Reserve is poised to release a stronger market signal for faster tapering at the upcoming Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting.

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