Critical Statement from the CEO of the Company That Continues to Buy Bitcoin

Michael Saylor, founder of MicroStrategy, continues to make interesting statements. Saylor offered convincing reasons why buying Bitcoin was a wise decision. According to Saylor, owning just one Bitcoin gives you 1/21,000,000 of the total money in the network. It is remarkable that this share has the potential to represent a significant portion of the world’s wealth in the future.

Comparing Bitcoin investment with traditional assets

In a fascinating video interview posted on YouTube, Saylor made some striking statements. Accordingly, he shared his views on why Bitcoin is a worthwhile investment. During a conversation with the Arnold brothers on the popular YouTube show Altcoin Daily, Saylor featured his ideas. Accordingly, he made comparisons between investing in Bitcoin and saving money in other types of assets and securities.

Saylor emphasized that traditional investment tools such as bonds and savings accounts cannot be compared to investing in Bitcoin. He pointed out how the money stored in savings accounts decreased over time due to factors such as inflation and negative returns. According to Saylor, these factors nullify the interest earned on savings, making such investments unprofitable.

real world example

Saylor gave a practical example to illustrate his point. Under current economic conditions, savings accounts provide a negative real return of 3.5%. This means that if you save a million dollars over a century, it will only be worth thirty thousand dollars. Saylor believes this type of investment is a losing proposition for the average person.

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Saylor also explained that savings accounts, bonds, and even stocks and indices are not effective long-term investment options. He also underlined that real estate investments are not suitable for the middle class. According to Saylor, Bitcoin offers a superior alternative by breaking away from these traditional tools.

Bitcoin’s unique charm

According to Saylor, Bitcoin represents a pure digital and global form of property. As such, it surpasses all other traditional investment options. Unlike securities, currencies, credit instruments or physical property, Bitcoin has no diluent element. Saylor firmly believes that Bitcoin dwarfs the rest by providing peak global property.

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All in all, Michael Saylor’s views on Bitcoin as an investment matter. It reveals the unique advantages of Bitcoin over traditional assets. As a pure digital and global property, Bitcoin offers unique opportunities for investors seeking long-term growth and stability.

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