Critical Altcoin Voting Completed in Ethereum Project: Airdrop is Now Very Close!

The Ethereum Layer 2 network Starknet community has unanimously approved a proposal that includes the use of STRK tokens to pay transaction fees.

Offered to the Starknet community and Alpha version 13.0 update The proposal marking the transition was accepted unanimously. Participants 99.8% of More voted in favor of the proposal.

According to the accepted proposal, the Starknet network in transaction fee payments both Ethereum (ETH) as well as STRK will be used. In this way, the usage areas of the local token STRK will be increased.

In addition, the update aims to reduce transaction costs and increase network performance. The 13.0 update in question Wednesday, January 10 It is planned to be implemented on the day.

One of the core developers of the Starknet team Eli Ben-Sasson After a certain point, the network plans to switch to using only STRK for transaction fees, he told The Block.

Starknet will be available to early users and developers this year. sending billions of STRK tokens as airdrops Waiting. Especially the fact that STRK will start to be used in transaction fees was interpreted as a signal that the airdrop was approaching.

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