COVID-19 confession from the scriptwriter of Spider-Man: No Way Home!

Spider-Man: No Way Home was among the most anticipated films of 2021. One scene of the record-breaking movie after its release on the big screen caused all Spider-Man fans to be upset.

The scene we mentioned was the death scene of May, which we have watched with empathy in all comics and Spider-Man movies to date. According to the statement made by Erik Sommers, one of the screenwriters of the film, May’s death would not have been like this had it not been for the COVID-19 outbreak.

Another hard-to-reach record from Spider-Man: No Way Home!

Spider-Man: No Way Home, which was released in the last month of last year, continues to storm the box office. Here are the last box office figures of the movie..

That scene in Spider-Man: No Way Home brought the audience to tears

We saw a lot of bad characters in Spider-Man: No Way, starring Tom Holland. For a long time, we wondered if we could see other Spider-Mans, the main villain of this movie, played by William Dafoe. Green Goblin it happened.

It was Aunt May who was hurt by Spider-Man’s fierce fight with the Green Goblin, and May died due to the wound she received during this fight.

According to the statements of Erik Sommers, one of the screenwriters of the film, the COVID-19 pandemic was a factor that shaped May’s death, as it greatly restricted the freedom on set. In fact, Sommers states that if the pandemic had not occurred, a very different death awaited May.

Sommers’ statement includes the following statements; “The scene where May died was very difficult to shoot because we had different ideas about where that scene could take place, but we couldn’t do it because of COVID. We wanted that scene to take place inside an ambulance and we had a script built around that, but it wasn’t very convenient to shoot because of the pandemic. Because of such things, we had to physically move the stage to another location and make different settings.

This kind of thing happened all the time in production. But I’m still glad we were able to influence people the way we wanted because May is so important to Peter’s story and journey.”

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