Countries That Taunt Each Other Most On The Internet

In this content, we looked at which country made which country a joke with information compiled from Reddit, Quora and other different communities. Before you even get to the list, you can guess which country stands before us when it comes to mocking.

Previously, by browsing different forums and social media content, users determined ugliest cities we have compiled for you. Our current list is similarly quite subjective on one subject. But unlike this time, the confusion will not be within countries, but between countries.

Again, in this list we have prepared according to European countries, there are conflicts that you can guess without thinking. Source of countries from his dark past from jokes, a value There are many topics ranging from the conflicts of the countries that cannot share. Now, let’s move on to our list.

The whole world is now aware of the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine.

Increasingly tragic This hostility, which is the main reason for humor, pushes citizens on the internet towards each other. Sometimes they make offensive jokes in reference to each other, and sometimes they fight the conflict between other countries. by keeping quiet they are mocking.

We see that Italians have been making jokes ‘about themselves’ for many years, not different countries.

The reason for this is that there is nothing in the media about both other citizens and their countries in general. prone to complain they are shown.

The enmity between Germany and Poland comes to mind when you think of the Hitler era.

When we look at the present after the process in between, the people of the two countries are connected to each other. ‘meme’ culture We see him jumping over it.

Scandinavian countries have so many different jokes that they crush each other.

As an example, in this image, the Norwegians and the Swedes about the Nazis. help (!) is sending.

the sweet frictions of Dutch and Belgian citizens in the field of humor; based on a religious, political, ethnic and historical background:

Belgium and Canada

  • Canada uses fake potholes to slow traffic. Belgium, on the other hand, prefers the 3D method.

Ireland, which has not drawn from England in history, uses the British as a joke material:


France, on the other hand, prefers to make fun of Belgium intensely.

french fries

These mockery topics include ways of speaking, eating habits, and so on. For example french fries It is said that the origin of the french fries, which is known as the French fries, is in Belgium, but the mention of it with the French does not make the Belgians very happy. does not like.

The conflicts between Greece and Albania emerged with the discussion of ethnicity.

Greece and Albania

  • Greeks / Normally Albanians vs. Greeks when comparing Albania with other balkan countries

Roughly, one side compares itself to the other. superiority He turned it into a matter of humor.

Let’s come to our Turkey article by saying Nice Greek Song.


Of course, the conflict between us and the Greeks history there is. But when we look at social media, nowadays it is more yogurt and baklava We see debates about who invented things like this.

There is also the fact that we, as a society, push things that we do not want to embrace to the Greeks.


For example, in our country, which has emerged recently, by the audience we can look at the comments of a song that is not very accepted. Each of the comments you see congratulates the owner of the song and says that such a song coming out of Greece (!) is emotional.

The main enemies of European countries in the field of humor are as follows:

  1. Russia – Ukraine
  2. Finland – Sweden
  3. Ukraine – Russia
  4. Sweden – Norway
  5. Norway – Sweden
  6. Denmark – Sweden
  7. United Kingdom – India
  8. Ireland – United Kingdom
  9. Netherlands – Belgium
  10. Germany – Poland
  11. Belgium – France
  12. Bulgaria – Macedonia
  13. Greece – Albania
  14. France – Belgium
  15. Italy – Italy(?)
  16. Switzerland – Austria
  17. Austria – Germany
  18. Portugal – Spain
  19. Spain – Portugal
  20. Turkey – Greece


The Most ‘Ugly’ Cities of European Countries According to Social Media Users: There Is A City From Turkey On The List

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Sample resources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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