Cost of 50 Kurus Reached 1 TL

According to the current exchange rate, the cost of the Turkish lira has almost doubled its value. Realizing that 50 kuruş is worth 1 lira, a citizen ‘sold’ their money to the scrap dealer.

Although the Turkish Lira has been losing value steadily in the last few years, the speed of this depreciation in the last month has reached surprising proportions. While we are writing this article, the dollar is over 14 liras and we do not know where this number will stand.

With this rapid depreciation, it was also on the agenda that the coins were to be produced more expensive than the amount of money they represented. However, according to the current exchange rate, the difference between the cost of the coins and the value they represent has increased considerably.

Video shared by a scrap dealer: “We are scrapping all the coins”

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