Our national athlete Fatma Uruk, who is the world record holder in the free diving category, announced that she was subjected to psychological violence and discrimination in the national team camp. Fatma Uruk’s allegations are quite serious…
Turkey has been a world record holder for a few hours, our female national athlete. Fatma UrukHe speaks of his statements. Our athlete, who makes us proud with his achievements in the free diving category, is in the national team camp according to his claim. psychological violence and being discriminated against. The athlete, who made very striking claims, has attracted the attention of the public.
Fatma Uruk’s statements had previously been subjected to psychological violence and discrimination. Upon this to camp not to go The petitioner had to go to the national team camp after his request was rejected. However, after being exposed to violence once again, Uruk could not stand it anymore. to their experiences can’t stand looks like.
“I will no longer be silent”
The national athlete first used the following statements in his statements on his Twitter account; “In my national team camp, I am exposed to psychological violence and discrimination by the federation. Since I had experienced these events before, I had conveyed my request not to come to the camp before, but not accepted. Now I’m not allowed to leave here. Let the pressure I live in be recorded with this tweet. I don’t even know what to write out of sadness. I am physically and psychologically devastated. I will seek as far as I can prove my right. You were asking me if you weren’t afraid to stay in Mexico, how did you endure, let me give you the right answer now. Even those conditions It was better than what I’ve been through here and I had no choice but to move on. And I will continue on my way again, don’t worry. Yes, I am embarrassingly posting this tweet, but I do.“
What Is Violence As A Human Behavior, What Types Are There?
Fatma Uruk, who started to post again hours after these posts, which were made on Sunday, October 3, at around 15:30, said that this time the events of the events. the second act told. He alleged that a hotel employee came to his room and said that the President of the Turkish Underwater Sports Federation (TSSF) Sahin OzenSaying that ‘s wanted to meet with him, the athlete states that after he refused this meeting, there was a meeting that he did not attend, and during that meeting, very ugly sentences were made about him. According to Uruk’s claim, the federation seen drinking beer decided to serve a photograph to the club and the press.
Fatma Uruk used the following sentences in the second part of her explanations:
After my tweet, I was told that although there was no meeting at 22:21, a hotel attendant was sent to my room and called to be interviewed by the TSSF President. I conveyed that I was about to sleep. upstairs from my room on your balcony I am citing the conversations I have heard: The President talks about me along with some of the other athletes. The materials that they will use against me are being collected. “In front of beer the one which there is a photo of it, send it to the press and your club,” said the president of the federation, together with the athletes. he laughed. Damn! I did nothing to deserve this and I will not be silent anymore.
Fatma Uruk’s explanations here and here available via the links.
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