Compliments to Netflix’s new move from Elon Musk!

Recently Netflixin an e-mail to his employees, stated that Netflix is ​​not a good place for employees who can’t work on content they disagree with or find dangerous.

Not falling off the agenda on this news Elon Musk responded to a Tweet explaining the new rules. Making a name for himself with his shares, Musk praised Netflix’s new move.

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It turned out that the world’s most popular video streaming platform Netflix is ​​working on the live broadcast feature! Here are the details…

Elon Musk supports Netflix’s employee move

Netflix has updated its workplace culture guidelines for the first time since 2017. Besides, the rules ‘Artistic Expression’ Added a new section. The updated culture note shows that not everyone will like and accept all the tweaks of the service. In addition, the rules include the following statements:

As employees, we support the principle that Netflix offers a variety of stories, even if we find some titles contrary to our own personal values. Depending on your role, you may need to work on topics that you consider harmful. If you’re struggling to support our breadth of content, Netflix may not be the best place for you.

The company made the policy change after a record loss of customers, which it blamed on factors such as increased competition, password sharing, inflation and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Upon this MuskNetflix supports this step, “Good move” he showed.

A few weeks ago, Musk gave a stern response to Netflix’s loss of subscribers. shared on Twitter “Awakened mind virus makes Netflix unwatchable” The lyrics were taken in various places. Finally, it turned out that Netflix was complaining about politically correct content.

Last October, Netflix transphobic made statements Dace Chappelle It faced criticism from some staff for showing the comedy special. Despite this, he did not withdraw from the private broadcasting service.

So, what do you think about this subject? Give your feedback in the comments section or SDN ForumYou can share it with us.

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