Commercial Film Praising iPhone 15’s 7-Year-Old Feature [Video]

Apple’s new commercial for the iPhone 15 has become the focus of controversy. Because in this commercial, Apple was showing Face ID, which it first introduced in 2017. The use of an old feature as marketing material for the iPhone 15 drew reaction.

US-based technology giant Apple has recently published with commercials It is frequently the subject of our news. The company referred to the 128 GB storage space of the iPhone 15 in a commercial it released a few days ago. to the focus of reactions had settled.

The company has now made a similar move again. This time, it first entered our lives in 2017 with the iPhone Face ID technology was advertised. What is wanted to be emphasized in the commercial is that an iPhone with Face ID only by owner was that it could be opened. Let’s look at the new commercial released for iPhone 15 together.

Here is Apple’s new iPhone 15 advertisement

While companies advertise the new devices they launch, they generally new features They focus. For example, Samsung is one of the companies that does this very well. Galaxy AI features of the Samsung Galaxy S24 family are revealed to us in new commercials multiplying. When it comes to Apple, we encounter an effort to bring a feature introduced in 2017 back onto the agenda.


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Perhaps Apple has built its marketing strategy on these discussions. As a result, when people see these ads, will talk about Applethey will argue… Although Apple does not need this much, the concept of “there is no good or bad advertising” continues to exist in the advertising industry.

You can view the commercial in which Apple emphasizes the storage space on the iPhone 15 below:


iPhone 15 Advertisement That Draws a Reaction from Apple: He Couldn’t Stop Praising the Feature Even in a 5,000 TL Phone [Video]

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