Comments From Elon Musk As Web 3.0 Coin Projects Explode!

In his latest tweet, Elon Musk addressed the Web3 technology praised by former Y-Combinator head Sam Altman. The CEO of OpenAI said in the first caption that he expects a much worse decline in the average return on investments made in the 2020s than in the 2010s. But at the same time, Altman noted that Web 3.0 coin technology could potentially provide investors with the returns the markets faced in 2010. Elon Musk’s response to Altman was not delayed. Here are the details…

Tesla CEO did not delay his response to Web 3.0 coin header

Elon Musk was quick to criticize Altman’s position, citing Web3 technology, implying that it would not be as revolutionary as investors and the general public expected. Elon Musk responded to Altman’s tweet:

I thought nothing could be crazier than ’99

“Web3 technology” is generally considered to be the creation and development of online ecosystems running on a decentralized Blockchain. The technology allows privately owned applications to be built on top of it. Applications built with Web3 principles enable users to profit from developing or maintaining those applications, services or solutions. Technology took its biggest share in popularity after the decentralized finance industry started to grow exponentially. You can take a look at the list of the top 3 Web3 coin projects to watch for 2022, which we have prepared here.

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