Coming, upcoming… What do we know about GTA VI?

The new game of GTA, one of the most popular games of all time, is eagerly awaited. The last game of the series, GTA V, was released on September 17, 2013. So it’s been almost 10 years since Rockstar Games released the last GTA. Although Rockstar releases regular updates of GTA V, expectations and excitement for GTA VI are increasing as time goes on.

Of course, in addition to the 10 years that have passed in this impatience, Rockstar Games announced that it was developing the new game in February last year and dozens of videos from GTA VI leaked in September of the same year also play a big role. So, what have we learned so far about the 6th game of Grand Theft Auto (GTA), an action-adventure game based on the free world? What do we know about GTA VI?

The map of GTA VI is expected to be considerably larger than GTA V.

When will GTA VI be released?

First, let’s answer the most speculated question: Rockstar has not yet made an official statement about when GTA VI will be released. Analysts believe that the game will be released in fiscal year 2024 by Take-Two, the producer and distributor company that also includes Rockstar. This corresponds to the period between April 2023 and March 2024. But developers are skeptical of this date. Because the number of those who think that the process is carried out “very carelessly” is not small; because the game has been in development since 2014. Developers point to July 2024 at the earliest.

In early 2022, some of the designers working at Rockstar’s Edinburgh office resigned, citing a lack of progress as the reason. Some of the employees say that there is some pressure to release a new game, but they are happy to work.

Where will GTA VI take place? Return to Vice City?

Where GTA VI would pass was also one of the most discussed issues. Rockstar has confirmed that the leaked images are real. At that time, it is possible to say that the game takes place in Vice City. The images show that the city and environment have been improved in the new game. One image shows Vice City Metro. Attentive followers have noticed that GTA VI features Malibu Club, Ocean View Hotel, Little Haiti and Vice Beach just like GTA III.

Last year, some Rockstar employees leaked some scenes from GTA VI, which is under development.

GTA: Vice City was designed with a 1986 theme, but the images show that GTA VI reflects the present day. The game seems to take place in today’s Miami, with the characters wearing modern clothes and smartphones.

What about the map of GTA VI?

The final map for GTA VI is not yet known, but excited fans processed the leaked footage using Google Map and Microsoft Paint and sort of mapped out the game. In fact, the footage shows a playground extending beyond the boundaries of Vice City. Because among the videos in question, there are areas of the city that have never been seen before. Considering that Vice City is actually inspired by Miami in Florida, it is predicted that the city will expand into the Florida Everglades wetland and tropical islands called Florida Keys. In other words, it is quite possible to expect different environments on the new map.

The name of the male character in the game is expected to be Jason.

First female lead character

The development, which is interpreted as one of the most exciting information by the close followers of the game, is the first female protagonist in the game. The story of this information, which is expressed as “the best confirmed detail about GTA VI” on some Youtube channels, is also interesting. Bonnie and Clyde, the bank robber couple living in the USA during the Great Depression, have been the subject of many works of art, from novels to movies. The couple’s story has also inspired GTA designers. The heroine is of Latin origin.

Why is the game delayed?

Released in 2013, GTA V became the most lucrative entertainment product of all time, and this unexpected financial success gave the company time to develop the new game. Of course, this is the first reason that comes to mind. On the other side of the coin, different developments took place.

Concept design of its characters in GTA VI, modeled on leaked images.

After the murder of George Floyd by a white police officer on May 25, 2020, and the subsequent “Black Lives Matter” movement, Rockstar Games shelved a game mode it planned for GTA Online. Unsure of how to interpret the game, called Cops ‘n’ Crooks, as confidence in the American police waned, the administration suspended the plan. It is stated that GTA VI also makes decisions such as reducing jokes for marginalized groups and creating a female lead character. In short, Take-Two management has decided to adopt a more politically correct stance.

On the other hand, it is stated that the change in the institutional structure of Rockstar is an important factor delaying the release of the game. Rockstar employees state that the environment within the company is “better than a male-dominated university club,” and the working conditions sometimes even cause people to end their marriages. Rumors are that Rockstar is turning into a “real company”.

Sources: Bloomberg, Rockstar Games,,, Youtube

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