Coinbase Lists 8 New Altcoins!

Giant Bitcoin exchange Coinbase lists 8 new altcoins. The exchange “API3 (API3), Bluezelle (BLZ), Values ​​of Value (COVAL), Gods Unchained (GODS), Immutable X (IMX), Measurable Data Token (MDT) mStable USD (MUSD) and Ribbon Finance (RBN) announced that it has added altcoins named ” to its platform. We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

Coinbase continues its new crypto listings: 8 altcoins added!

Leading Bitcoin exchange Coinbase continues to list new cryptocurrencies. The exchange lists 8 new altcoins. According to the statement of the exchange, “API3 (API3), Bluezelle (BLZ), Values ​​of Value (COVAL), Gods Unchained (GODS), Immutable X (IMX), Measurable Data Token (MDT), mStable USD (MUSD) and Ribbon Finance (RBN)” is now available on the exchange. Let’s analyze the current prices of altcoin projects listed by the exchange:

  • API3 (API3) price increased by 30 percent.
  • Bluzelle (BLZ) price, on the other hand, rose, but is now trading in a bearish mode.
  • The price of Values ​​of Value (COVAL) rose 84 percent.
  • The price of Gods Unchained (GODS) increased by 10 percent.
  • Immutable X (IMX) price, on the other hand, rose, but is now trading in a bearish mode.
  • Measurable Data Token (MDT) price, on the other hand, rose, but is now trading in a bearish mode.
  • The mStable USD (MUSD) price is trading in small increments.
  • Ribbon Finance (RBN) is now trading in bearish mode.

Let’s get to know the 8 altcoins listed by Coinbase!

API3 (API3) is an Ethereum token that powers the API3 project, which aims to connect traditional APIs to the Blockchain ecosystem. API3 token is used to manage API3 DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) and vote on project upgrades.

Bluzelle (BLZ) is the token that powers the Bluzelle platform and decentralized storage network. BLZ can be used to pay for transactions, storage, betting and voting on the future of the network. Note: Coinbase currently only supports BLZ running on the Ethereum Blockchain (ERC-20).

Values ​​of Value (COVAL) is an Ethereum token that powers Emblem, a platform where users can create custom combinations of ETH, ERC-20 and NFT tokens in a single tradable token called Vault. COVAL can be used to build Crates and is awarded to liquidity providers as a reward.

Gods Unchained)is an Ethereum token that powers Gods Unchained, a blockchain-based trading card game. GODS can be used to create NFTs and other digital assets within Gods Unchained and vote on the future of the platform.

Immutable X (IMX) is an Ethereum token that powers Immutable X, a scaling solution for NFTs that aims to enable virtually instant, zero GAS fee transactions. IMX can be used to pay for stakes on Immutable X, vote on the future of the protocol, and pay transaction fees.

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The Measurable Data Token (MDT) is an Ethereum token that powers the Measurable Data Token ecosystem to share and monetize consumer data anonymously. MDT is used as a medium of exchange between users who share their data and businesses that access it.

mStable USD (MUSD) is a decentralized stablecoin that runs on Ethereum and tries to maintain its value of $1.00. Unlike central stablecoins, MUSD is not backed by US dollars in a bank account. Instead, it is backed by a number of other stablecoins created as collateral on the mStable protocol.

Ribbon Finance (RBN) is an Ethereum token that manages Ribbon Finance, a decentralized finance protocol designed to generate returns by combining options, futures and fixed income to improve the risk-return profile of a portfolio. RBN is the protocol’s management token and can be used to propose and vote on the future of the platform.

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