Coinbase Chose This Metaverse Coin Project: They’ve Partnered!

YGG, a metaverse coin, has teamed up with Coinbase to offer more scholarships. Meanwhile, Coinbase, the largest US cryptocurrency exchange, announced that it will acquire derivatives exchange FairX. We are giving the details as…

Metaverse coin YGG partners with Coinbase

The decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that promotes blockchain-based games – Yield Guild Games (YGG) – recently announced that more and more gamers are seeking play-to-earn scholarships. In response to this request, the team welcomed cryptocurrency giant Coinbase as its newest partner. YGG has raised hopes that the initiative will allow it to add new players worldwide. In a separate statement, Coinbase also announced its involvement in the project. As an advocate for Metaverse, the trading platform said it’s “excited to support” this side of the industry.

Yield Guild Games describes its purpose as “optimizing assets to develop the world’s largest virtual economy, maximize utility and share revenues with stakeholders.” In decentralized games, Yield Guild Games has created a community of players and investors that make money by investing in NFTs used in virtual worlds and Blockchain-based games. YGG is trading at $4.57 at the time of writing. It is changing hands as much as 60 percent below its all-time high of $11.5, which it hit on November 20, 2021.

Meanwhile, Coinbase also announced that it will soon acquire FairX, a derivatives exchange regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This move seems to be in line with Coinbase’s desire to create “the robust and holistic trading environment that investors seek.”

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