China’s Blockchain Project Coming to Turkey!

The Chinese government-backed Blockchain project, the Blockchain-Based Service Network (BSN), continues to expand by establishing two new portals in Turkey and Uzbekistan. BSN is a nationwide public-private infrastructure project established to foster mass adoption of Blockchain technology.

China’s Blockchain Service Network opens to Turkey and Uzbekistan

Red Date Technology, the company that China has applied to manage its BSN, announced today that it is working to launch its third and fourth international portals in Turkey and Uzbekistan by partnering with the Turkey-China Economic Twinning Center (TUCEM). The company said that these new BSN portals are expected to launch by the end of December.

Established in 2006, TUCEM has become an important economic cooperation center between Turkey and China. The company will be the sole operator of two new BSN portals offering Blockchain as a service (BaaS) in Turkey and Uzbekistan. BSN portals are designed to provide a platform for the development of blockchain services in Turkey and Uzbekistan to provide more cost-effective solutions for developing Blockchain applications in interoperable environments.

BSN integrates with many major networks As we have previously reported, BSN integrates networks such as Ethereum, Algorand, EOS, Polkadot, NEO, Tezos, Oasis, Hyperledger Fabric, ConsenSys Quorum and Corda. It is also supported by cloud services including Amazon Web Services, Google and Microsoft Azure. The initiative aims to solve major challenges associated with developing blockchain applications, ensure blockchain interoperability and reduce development costs.


Yifan He, CEO of Red Date Technology and managing director of BSN Development Association, said in his statement, “Turkey has long been a bridge between Asia and Europe, and it is therefore appropriate that the first BSN portal outside of Asia opens there.”

BSN expands to many countries around the world

TUCEM President and BSN Turkey President Mehmet Akfırat said that BSN’s Turkey portal will contribute to social development and financial inclusion. According to the manager, both Turkey and Uzbekistan are very busy developing blockchains. Akfırat also said that BSN did not choose the locations of its international portals. “As long as we have good local partners in some regions, we don’t really care where they are,” the manager said, adding that BSN is talking to potential partners from the US, Europe and Australia.

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BSN recently launched a Hong Kong and Macau portal on September 1 and has contributed to the development of more than 30 new Blockchain projects. BSN also plans to launch an international BSN portal in South Korea in November.

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