China will not be a peacemaker in the Ukraine war

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin in 2019

In the Ukraine war, the West should not hope for China as a mediator.

(Photo: imago images / Xinhua)

As welcome as a stronger Chinese commitment to ending the war in Ukraine would be, there are currently many indications that these hopes will be dashed. There are several reasons for this.

China is not a neutral party in the conflict. Despite the daily maneuvering, Beijing is sticking by Moscow. Only on Monday did China’s foreign minister underscore the “common commitment to everlasting friendship” with Russia. Still, after all the destruction, deaths and injuries, China cannot bring itself to identify Moscow as the aggressor. At the same time, it expresses understanding for the invasion and condemns the sanctions against Russia.

And even worse: China accuses the USA and NATO, including Germany, of being to blame for the escalation. The US-led military alliance has taken steps that have pushed tensions to the breaking point, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said on Wednesday.

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