China has decided to ban Windows!

Known for taking steps against US technology companies, the Beijing administration, Microsoft’s popular operating system to ban windows decided. China’s government institutions foreign brand computers and will replace the Windows operating system with “domesticly developed software”.

Microsoft is upset: Users do not switch to Windows 11 somehow!

AdDuplex has announced the most popular Windows versions. According to the report, Windows 11 disappointed Microsoft with its low usage rate.

Restriction to Windows and foreign brand computers from China

After applications such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, another major US software enters the list of banned applications in China. Chinese government, Windows and foreign brand computers Linux-based native operating switch to system He said he would disable it.

windows alternatives

According to the report by Bloomberg, the new ban by the Chinese administration covers computers of foreign brands in addition to Windows software. Beijing has ordered government agencies and state-sponsored firms to replace foreign-branded computers and operating systems with domestic alternatives.

After this decision, the state and state-affiliated institutions 50 million units your computer was stated to be changed. Local resources are available over a period of approximately two years. Made in China operating system and to local computers He said he would pass.

If the government’s latest ban is Dell, HP and Microsoft It will prevent more than one brand such as sales to the Chinese state. While it is unclear which brand China will turn to after they stop using the computers of these brands, it has been learned that there will be a Linux-based operating system on the software side.

Lenovo ThinkPad X13s

In fact, China has been trying to replace imported technology with domestic brands for years. The Asian country wants to end the use of foreign software due to information security concerns. That’s why too Lenovo, Kingsoft Corp. and Inspur Electronics local technology brands such as

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