China Decides to Ban Steam

China has been increasing pressure on tech giants and game companies in recent months. Now, the government has decided to ban the global version of the giant game platform Steam in the country.

Recently chinese governmentwas tightening its rules on internet use in the country. These rules also made it difficult for tech giants to keep up with the government and caused companies to shut down their services in the country. Previously, giants such as Google, Twitter and Microsoft had withdrawn some of their services from the country due to these pressures.

In addition, China was increasing its pressure on games in the country and enforcing various bans. In recent months, the government has imposed restrictions on the playing time of children under the age of 18. More than 3 hours of online gaming per week had banned. In addition, the government imposed restrictions on the giant game company Tencent last month on the grounds that it violated the rules. Now the country has made a move towards Steam, one of the largest gaming platforms in the world.

Steam Global banned in the country

According to the report published by TheGamer, the global version of Steam is banned in the country. In the statements, it was stated that only the Chinese version of the giant platform can operate in the country. Of the thousands of games this version offers on Steam, only 103 games We should also point out that it has

Ricky Owens (iFireMonkey), a trusted leaker, was the first to notice the ban. The screen shared by Owens on Twitter in the imageIt has been observed that Steam Global, which was launched last February, is among the websites banned in China. In the news shared by The Verge, the situation was checked and Steam was blocked all over the country It was stated that Steam did not make any comments on the subject at the time of transfer.


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Thus, the government’s ban on Steam was added to the bans imposed on games this year. Developed by Epic Games Fortnite has also announced that it has decided to withdraw from the country due to the increasing pressure in the past months. In addition, China implemented bans on technology giants and cryptocurrencies in 2021 and continued its pressure on internet use.

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