Check Out Gold And These Coins!

Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” shared his comments on gold and other investment products. It warns investors of the need to focus on the bond market, which is much larger than the stock market and has seen its “biggest crash since 1788.” Here are the details…

Finance guru buys gold and silver

“The real problem is in the bond market,” the personal finance guru said in a tweet. He added that he predicted a “great collapse to come.” Kiyosaki had previously warned that inflation could lead to depression. Foreclosures increased by 700 percent compared to last year. Kiyosaki used the following expressions in his tweet in the past months:

The US bond market is crashing. Biggest bond crash since 1788. China’s real estate bond market is also collapsing. There are more than 90 million vacant apartments in China. Bond markets are larger than the stock market. Now I’m buying more gold, silver and waiting for Bitcoin to drop.

For your information. Losers watch the stock market. The real problem is in the bond market. The bond market is 40 times larger than the stock market. Please pay attention to bonds, not stocks. The great collapse will come. Be careful.

Bond markets react negatively to Fed’s rate hike

Bond markets have historically reacted negatively to news of rate hikes. In times of extreme market panic, funds are diverted to the safe-haven asset. Therefore, gold became a life saver. If there is a recession in the US and stocks continue to be under pressure in the medium term, the yellow metal could provide some relief. As a result, Kiyosaki states that he is buying more gold and silver. He also says he expects Bitcoin prices to drop further. As we have reported, Kiyosaki has been saying that besides gold and silver, Bitcoin can be bought for a while.

Kiyosaki also posted another tweet in the past weeks. He stated that he published the “Rich Dad Prophecy” in 2013, which predicted a more devastating correction in the markets than the 2008 financial crisis. He said the big crash in question is officially coming. Kiyosaki advises investors to get rich rather than be one of those people who will lose money.

A real estate and precious metals investor, Kiyosaki remains an outspoken supporter of Bitcoin. He often advises the public to buy the cryptocurrency. The famous writer urged investors to change their mindset to become rich in his previous tweet. Meanwhile, at the moment, Bitcoin price is on its way to gaining slight momentum. The largest cryptocurrency managed to trade over $22,000. Finally, the ounce price of gold stands at $ 1,737 with an increase of 0.5 percent.

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