ChatGPT will come built-in with the smartphone!

Artificial intelligence, one of the products of developing technology, has increased significantly in recent years. Because it has settled in almost every sector and is actively used. One of the artificial intelligences that has become popular recently is ChatGPT. It can be used for many purposes, from writing code to doing homework. Finally, according to the development experienced today, ChatGPT will soon be built into a phone model. Here are the details…

ChatGPT will be built into a phone for the first time!

Developed by OpenAl, ChatGPT is now integrated into many websites and applications. Of course, this made our job easier. For example, it saved us time by completing the text while writing an e-mail.

According to the famous tipster Ice Universe, known for its leaks in the industry, Infinix will be the first manufacturer to integrate ChatGPT into a smartphone. Artificial intelligence is currently available on the phone, via an app or website.

Apple is developing artificial intelligence to rival ChatGPT!  What will happen to Siri?

Apple is developing artificial intelligence to rival ChatGPT! What will happen to Siri?

Apple is looking for an engineer to develop AR/VR-focused artificial intelligence. The first steps are being taken to keep Siri in the background.

However, Infinix will do this not via an app, but by embedding it directly into the phone. In other words, when you turn on the device for the first time, artificial intelligence will encounter you. According to reports, the company will combine ChatGPT with its voice assistant, Folax.

According to Ice Universe, this won’t be a groundbreaking feature. So much so that it is thought that Infinix will use ChatGPT as a tool instead of dealing with training its own voice assistant. That is, when the user uses the voice assistant, the answers determined by ChatGPT will be given in the background. Of course, the desired goal will still be achieved.

ChatGPT will come built into a phone for the first time!

Infinix is ​​expected to introduce its ChatGPT voice assistant soon and place it on smartphones in the Note 30 series, which will be released in the coming days. It can also be offered with an update after it goes on sale. We will see this together in the coming days.

So what do you guys think about this issue? What do you think if ChatGPT was built into our smartphones? You can share your views with us in the Comments section below.

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