ChatGPT can now analyze PDF files

In recent years, with the development of technology, the term “artificial intelligence” has begun to be heard more. Investments in this field have recently led to the emergence of artificial intelligence tools that will become a part of our lives.

One of the most popular artificial intelligence tools these days is ChatGPT developed by OpenAI. This tool, which can produce an answer to almost every question you ask, has another important innovation. Here are the details…

ChatGPT can now analyze PDF files!

ChatGPTVery useful features have been added to .in recent weeks. The artificial intelligence tool recently started scanning the internet and providing up-to-date data. ChatGPTnow is Ability to analyze PDF files he had the ability.

ChatGPTof PDF some for the purpose of testing the ability to analyze files ChatGPT Plus presented to users. A long text PDF It is not known when this innovation, which can be used for purposes such as summarizing the document, will be published for everyone. Free ChatGPT It is highly likely that it will not be available for people using the version.

Revolution in listening to songs: ChatGPT touch to Spotify!

Revolution in listening to songs: ChatGPT touch to Spotify!

Spotify is testing the feature of creating playlists with artificial intelligence. You will be able to discover new songs by entering text commands.

This feature can be useful for many segments, especially students and employees. For example, job-related information can be summarized and used in a PDF file. Students can use their lecture notes for summarizing purposes.

To activate the ability to analyze the PDF file with ChatGPT, you must follow these steps;

  • Step 1: Open Settings.
  • Step 2: Activate the relevant option to access beta features.
  • Step 3: That’s it! After uploading the PDF file, you can have it analyzed.

So what do you think about this issue? How do you like ChatGPT’s new talent? You can share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.

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