Chat Theme Creation with Artificial Intelligence is Coming to Instagram

Instagram is working on a feature that will allow users to create chat themes with artificial intelligence. Additionally, an innovation is on the way that will allow you to access new features early.

We have seen that with the advancement of generative artificial intelligence, social media platforms have begun to adopt such features. Operating within Meta Instagram was one of them.

Now, a new artificial intelligence feature has emerged that will come to Instagram. According to the post of Alessandro Paluzzi, who we know for leaking mobile application features, the platform: It will bring artificial intelligence to chat themes.

You will be able to create your own chat theme with artificial intelligence

Currently, you can change the theme in Instagram DMs by pressing and holding the screen in any conversation you want. Thus, different themes can be included in the background, including many things from games to special occasions.

Paluzzi’s post shows that we can now create themes with artificial intelligence. So probably the user chooses this option called “Create with AI” fully personalized chat themes will be able to create. There are no other details about the feature, but we are likely to see ourselves creating themes with text commands. Since there is no information, we cannot say anything for sure.

It will also allow you to access features early

Another innovation shared by Paluzzi is about the features coming to Instagram. According to the post, the company will soon add users to the application who want it. provide early access to features will allow. This way, he probably plans to get feedback on features and make them better.

For now, we cannot say anything about when these two innovations will arrive. Right now they are in the testing phase. We’ll be able to let you know when they’re released widely or when more information becomes available.


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