Charging Cost of Electric Cars Increased by 130 Percent

The increase in electricity tariffs, which reached 130 percent on the night of December 31, also hurt the owners of electric motor cars. The increased prices increased the charging cost of vehicles between 109 percent and 130 percent. Tesla Model 3’s 72 TL charging cost reached 177 TL today.

It is really difficult to own a car in Turkey. Even when we leave aside the compulsory traffic insurance or maintenance costs, we are faced with the taxes. fuel pricesIt makes the citizens who want to go somewhere by car think again and again. Especially at the end of 2021, the last point reached by fuel prices has increased the cost of a tank of fuel. Some citizens are trying to get rid of this expense. to electric motor vehicles they are transitioning.

However, the costs of electric motor vehicles have also increased. On the night of December 31st, and an increase of 130 percent, changed the prices of charging stations. Sözcü, who conducted a research on the subject, reached very striking results. So much so that citizens who own electric motor vehicles, compared to 2021 in the range of 109 percent to 130 percent they started having to pay more…

The charge, which cost 72 TL in 2021, is now 177 TL

According to researches, charging service up to 7.4 kW for AC Type 2 sockets was 25 cents per minute in 2021. Today, the price of the same service has increased to 55 cents. well an increase of 120 percent available. In case of 11 kW or more service from the same sockets, a payment of 1.15 TL per minute will be required. This amount was only 51 cents in 2021. The difference is 109 percent. The minute prices for DC CCS and CHAdeMO sockets are for service up to 50 kW. with an increase of 129 percent It has increased to 3.9 TL.

EV charging price change

How have the charging costs of popular models changed?

When we say electric motor vehicles, the first model that comes to mind is without a doubt. Tesla Model 3. According to research, a citizen with a Tesla Model 3 was paying only 72 TL to charge his battery up to 80 percent in 2021. The present cost of the same transaction It has reached 177 TL. The situation is not much different in the Porsche Taycan. A Taycan owner was able to charge his battery by paying 122.5 TL last year. The amount that the same citizen has to pay today, 276.5 TL recorded as. The 80 percent charging service of Hyundai Kona, which is a more accessible electric car compared to Tesla Model 3 and Porsche Taycan, is 114 TL. 260 TLIt has reached…


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