Central Bank Shares Its First Report for “Digital Turkish Lira”

CBRT shared the Digital Turkish Lira First Phase Evaluation Report. It was stated in the report that it was aimed to determine the features that the digital Turkish lira could have, to test different architectural fictions and technological alternatives, and to carry out pilot application studies.

With cryptocurrencies gaining significant value and reaching millions of people, many financial institutions official digital currency He started working on his units. One of these was the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. CBRT shared its first report regarding the project.

Regarding the first phase, in the statement made on the CBRT’s official website, “Within the framework of the first phase pilot test studies, pilot application tests were carried out in certain locations and as a result of the tests, Measuring user experience and system performance intended” expressions were used.

What is Central Bank Digital Currency?

Central Bank Digital Currency can be defined in its simplest and simplest form as the digital form of the money of a sovereign country.

When Central Bank Digital Currency (hereinafter referred to as digital currency) is mentioned, crypto assets may come to mind; However, digital money is not a crypto asset. Economically, digital money is the digital form of banknote used as national currency. For example, what is meant by digital Turkish lira is the digital form of the Turkish lira. Its unit is the Turkish lira as in the current currency form

Opportunities that Digital Currency Brings

  • Financial Technologies Ecosystem
  • Financial Technologies Center
  • Continuous and Instant Financial Data
  • Smart Payments
  • Offline Payments
  • Disaster Resistant Digital Payments

You can access the entire Digital Turkish Lira First Phase Evaluation Report published by the CBRT by clicking here.

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