Central Bank Announces Year-End Inflation Forecast

The market participants survey organized by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey revealed year-end inflation and dollar forecasts for 2022. Estimates show that 2022 may also be painful.

2021 hosted a difficult end for Turkey. The increase in foreign exchange and the corresponding increase in inflation with the depreciation of the Turkish Lira caused an increase in the prices of all products and services. The latest inflation data announced by TURKSTAT in December 2021 revealed that annual inflation was 36.08%.

While the 2021 year-end inflation was 6.03% above the expectations, the government announced that the target in the upcoming period was to reduce inflation. Today, the first expectations for year-end inflation were announced. Market participants survey of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, year-end dollar and inflation forecast revealed.

The year-end dollar forecast is 16.13; inflation forecast 29.75%

According to the results of the market participants survey organized by the Central Bank, the end of the year dollar estimate 16.13 TL, the inflation forecast is 29.75% took place as Inflation expectation after 12 months was 25.37%. In addition, there was a decrease in the growth expectation for 2022. While this was 4.1% in the previous survey period, it decreased to 3.7% in this survey period. The growth expectation for 2023 was announced as 4.2%.

During the past days, inflation and foreign exchange forecasts for Turkey were also received from various international banks. Italian banking giant Unicredit will reach the dollar in 2022. back to 18 levels reached the end of the year inflation will be at 37% had foreseen. World’s largest bank JPMorgan Inflation reached 55% in May. He said he was waiting.

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