Celsius Has $439 Million Receivable from EquitiesFirst -FT

Corporate finance firm EquitiesFirst owes Celsius $439 million, which is struggling financially.

Cryptocurrency lending platform Celsius is in New York yesterday. has filed for bankruptcyon the company’s balance sheet with this application. 1.2 billion dollars value was found to be open.

These documents are also unnamed and “a private loan platform” an institution called Celsius that you owe showed.

In the news quoted by the Financial Times on the basis of names who have knowledge about the subject, it is stated that this institution, whose name was not given, EquitiesFirst is stated to be.

Speaking to the Financial Times, an EquitiesFirst official said in a statement on the subject, “As EquitiesFirst, we continue our conversations with our customers. Both parties have agreed to extend the term of our obligations.” said.

EquitiesFirst’s debt to Celsius from 3,765 bitcoins and in addition $361 million consists of cash. EquitiesFirst repays your debt each month. 5 million dollars pays to be.

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