Ceara SC Steps Into The Blockchain World With Bitci!

Ceara SC stepped into the world of Blockchain with Bitci, the popularity of which is rapidly increasing in the world. Fan tokens that will be developed as part of the cooperation between Ceara SC and Bitci will be presented to the fans in the near future.

Ceara SC takes its place in the Blockchain world with its fan token project!

Ceara SC, one of the well-established teams of Brazil and South America, has reached an agreement with Bitci Teknoloji, one of the world’s leading fan token platforms, on the development of blockchain technologies. The Ceara SC Fan Token project, which will be developed by Bitci Teknoloji within the scope of cooperation, will offer a very different fan experience to those who set their hearts on Ceara SC. Stepping into the blockchain world, where the world’s leading teams and organizations are located, with Bitci, Ceara SC will be one of the teams that lead the digital transformation of the football industry in Brazil and South America with this project. The fan tokens to be developed will be offered by Bitci to Ceara SC fans and investors at an advantageous pre-sale price in the coming period. Announcements on the subject will be made from Bitci’s official social media accounts.

NFTs (non fungible tokens), one of the most popular topics of the last period, will also be included in the agreement. NFTs that will be developed for Ceara SC and its players over the Bitci Teknoloji infrastructure will be available for sale in the next period. Fan token projects, which have recently become widespread in the sports industry, are expressed as crypto assets that provide the opportunity to increase the interaction between teams and fans, to have a say in certain decisions and to benefit from the advantages of the club. Within the scope of the fan token project in question, with the digital advantages to be offered by Bitci Teknoloji, fans will be able to participate in special events with Ceara SC players, participate in various organizations, even vote through their tokens and have a say in some decisions about the team.

Thus, the bond established by football fans who set their heart on Ceara SC with their teams will be strengthened; they will be offered a very different fan experience. Bitci, which is among the world’s leading platforms in the field of fan tokens, includes many teams and teams, including the Brazilian, Spain, Uruguay, Peruvian National Teams, as well as McLaren Formula 1 Team, FIBA, Bitci Baskonia, Glasgow Rangers, Wolves and Watford. is the organization’s only fan token partner in the world.

Our Purpose is to Add a New Dimension to the Fan Experience

Commenting on the subject, Bitci Teknoloji CEO Onur Altan Tan stated that Brazil is one of their top priority markets and added the following to his statements:

That’s why we’re launching our first overseas cryptocurrency trading platform in Brazil, under the umbrella of Bitci. Brazil will also be the heart of our South American operation. We know what sport, football, means in Brazil. Fandom is a very special experience here. Our aim is to make this experience even better, to differentiate it, to add a new dimension to this experience. To make the fans an indispensable part of the teams by using the power of technology. Ceara SC is one of the symbolic teams of the fan experience in this country. We are very happy to support Ceara SC’s digital transformation journey with this project. We have some big surprises for Ceara SC fans. We will be announcing them soon.

Bitci Teknoloji CEO Onur Altan Ta
Bitci Teknoloji CEO Onur Altan Tan

Ceare SC Marketing Director Lavor Neto said, “Ceará Sporting Club is very pleased with its partnership with Bitci, one of the most important fan token platforms in the world. With this partnership, we will be able to offer our fans a digital and innovative form of interaction. Let’s make a difference together!” made a statement.

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