CBRT President Erkan’s TBB Meeting Postponed

CBRT President Hafize Gaye Erkan was planning to meet with TBB member banks on Monday, June 19 to listen to the expectations about the new economy management and the policies to be followed. However, according to the information obtained, the meeting in question was postponed to Friday, June 23.

At the meeting of the banks with the Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek, the technical details of the problems they voiced will be discussed, and for this reason, the Monetary Policy Committee meeting, which was planned to be held on Thursday, was left behind.

Among the agenda items of banks are issues such as regulations, CBRT’s transformation targets and interest rate limits on loans.

Minister Mehmet Şimşek discussed the details of the economic program and future policies at the meetings he held with the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) and the Banks Association of Turkey (TBB) on Friday, June 16.

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