Cause of Strange Sites That Come Up On Google

Why do we come across sites with strange names and viruses that we frequently come across in Google searches lately? Let’s take a closer look at how this ‘fraud’ works together.

Google, which we all use many times every day, is constantly trying to serve you better. releases various updates. These updates can sometimes be related to the search results and sometimes directly to the algorithm. Sometimes these updates can make the situation worse even though they are made to fix the problems.

Especially if you have done a detailed search on a specific subject on Google in the last 1 month, you can find a strange name and end on the first page and at the top. .pl, .de, .it, .ru and .ch You may have encountered sites that end with . In fact, these sites are not even related to the topic you are looking for. How is it that it ranks even higher than real information sources?

How does the system work?

If you remember, last month Google announced that it will update its search engine service and SEO instead of focused content will highlight content that focuses on user experience. had explained. As soon as this news is heard, the malicious user immediately rolled up his sleeves and copied the sites that offer quality content. SEO and tried to trick Google’s algorithm on user experience. What appears to be related to the words users search for on successful sites, and (so-called) user experience will have a positive impact After the content is entered, the victims begin to wait.

When users see these sites related to the topic they are looking for, when they click on the link, the link sometimes directs them to a different site and sometimes to a Youtube video. In this way, sites infect users’ devices with viruses or it is used to gain views on YouTube videos.

So why do these sites rank at the top?

When Google normally detects such sites, it appears in the search results. or throws to the back or remove it completely. However, after the latest updates, these sites started to appear in the top positions. Some experts that because a change in the algorithm upsets the system thinks it might. According to some users, the owners of these sites discover a vulnerability in the new algorithm and use it for their own benefit.

In particular, Google’s last month’s ‘Useful Content Update‘ aimed to prevent such problems and to highlight content that focuses on user experience rather than SEO content. This issue, which has literally been rampant in the past days, has been resolved after the Helpful Content Update was released step by step. looks like it’s finally over.


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While Google has not made any explanation as to why these sites are so prominent, users around the world already started sending feedback that the issues are resolved. However, some users state that the problem still persists.

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