Cause of Runny Nose While Eating Something Bitter

A runny nose that starts suddenly while eating something bitter is quite annoying. When you say whether to eat or to wipe your nose, you cannot taste the food properly. So what is the reason for this situation?

Sometimes when we are sick and sometimes because of allergies. with a runny nose We have tried and we have finished the pack of wipes. There is another reason for the runny nose that makes people tired of life. And that is the bitter food we eat, as we wrote above.

A runny nose that starts when you bite off a piece of your food or take a sip isn’t fun, but it’s not fun. it is quite common. There is even a scientific explanation for this situation.

Our nose is not just for breathing or smelling.

Nerves inside our nose to produce mucus to keep it moist and to regulate airflow helper is happening. These nerves, called the “trigeminal nerve”, are stimulated by certain foods such as hot pepper and garlic, and this causes a runny nose.

This is exactly how this process unfolds:


The inner surface of our nose, Mucosa It is covered by a layer of cells called As we mentioned above, there are many nerve cells here. In addition, a slimy substance known as mucus is secreted in the mucosa.

This substance both humidifies the air that goes to the lungs with the breath we take and expelling foreign matter provides. We can call it a kind of protector or regulator.

“So what does that have to do with pain?” If you say so, let’s explain it like this.

hot pepper

In bitter foods capsaicin There is an item called This substance stimulates our nerve cells in the nose. The cells also stimulate the mucosa to produce mucus. In this way, capsaicin is expelled along with mucus. In other words, a runny nose occurs and foreign matter is thrown out.

Scientifically food induced (gustatory) rhinitis This condition, called this condition, is usually seen in people over the age of 50. This runny nose, which is quite annoying, stops on its own after you finish eating. However, if it continues after eating, you may be allergic to the food you ate or something else. It’s a good idea to see a specialist.

Bonus: This sister, who has tasted Turkey’s hottest pepper, is the best example.


This is how your face shape can change when you breathe through your mouth instead of your nose while you sleep at night! So why?

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